在当地团体、环保组织大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)和宠物品牌希宝(Sheba)的合作努力下,约有四万平方米的珊瑚礁已被重新注入生机。这是到 2029 年修复世界上 18.5 万平方米珊瑚礁计划的其中一部分。 Over the years, there have been many attempts to revive coral reefs, some more successful than others. A technique being tried in Indonesia uses a network of metal frames with fragments of live corals attached to them. 多年来,人们曾多次试着让珊瑚礁恢复生机,但结果却成败参半。在印度尼西亚,人们在尝试一种技术,即使用一种附有一块块活珊瑚的金属框架网状系统。 The results so far show a rapid recovery and a return of the fish that local communities depend on. The goal now is to apply the same system to other parts of the world. 目前结果显示,珊瑚礁正在迅速恢复生机,当地社区赖以生存的鱼类也逐渐回归。现在的目标是将同样的系统应用到世界其它地区。 Although each project is on a relatively small scale, and all reefs are threatened by rising temperatures, scientists say it is worth trying everything to save as many as possible. 虽然每个项目的规模都相对较小,而且所有的珊瑚礁都受到了气温上升的威胁,但科学家表示,为了拯救尽可能多的珊瑚礁,一切努力都值得一试。 Questions may be raised about the funding for the project – it's from the pet food company, Sheba, which uses a lot of fish in its products. It says it's committed to the long-term health of the oceans. 可能会有人对该项目的资金来源提出质疑:资金来自宠物食品公司希宝,其产品中使用了大量的鱼类。该公司表示将全力以赴,保护海洋的长期健康。 |