秋天,又到了吃橘子的季节,吃起来方便还能补充维C。但这两天网上的一条热搜,让双语君默默放下了手中的橘子…… 中国农业大学食品学院副教授朱毅表示,橘子吃多确实会使皮肤变黄,这种现象也叫“高胡萝卜素血症”或“柑皮症(hypercarotenemia)”。 什么是高胡萝卜素血症呢? Hypercarotenemia is a clinical condition characterized by yellow pigmentation of the skin caused by high carotene content in blood. 高胡萝卜素血症是一种因血内胡萝卜素含量过高引起的皮肤黄染症。 我们的皮肤颜色主要由四个因素决定,黑色素(melanin)、血红素(heme)、胡萝卜素(carotene)和皮肤厚度(skin thickness)。黑色素使皮肤发黑,血红素使皮肤发红或青,胡萝卜素使皮肤发黄,皮肤越厚越黑。一旦过度摄入胡萝卜素就会引起皮肤发黄。 "If you consume a bunch of food that contains a lot of carotene, such as tangerines, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes and cauliflower, it will ultimately cause skin yellowing," Zhu Yi, associate professor of food science study said. “如果吃了不少含胡萝卜素特别多的食品,比如柑橘、胡萝卜、南瓜、番茄、黄花菜等,会引起皮肤黄染。”朱毅教授称。 但对于这种症状也不用过于担心。专家说,如果出现了这种情况,不需要特殊的治疗,只要减少或停止胡萝卜素的摄入,基本上一个月左右皮肤就会恢复原状了。 此外,橘瓣上的白丝真的有营养吗?朱毅表示:确实有营养,富含膳食纤维,对肠胃有益,但不用刻意去吃。 平时吃橘子的时候,只要不把橘子上面的橘络去掉就可以了。 Used as medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, tangerine pith — the white part of the tangerine — is rich in dietary fiber and can promote digestion. Eating a tangerine with its pith is good for our gastrointestinal health. However, there is no need to eat it alone. “橘络在中医里面是入药的,从现代医学的角度上来分析,橘络中含有膳食纤维比较丰富,食用以后就能够促进消化、润肠通便。橘络配着橘子一起吃下去,对我们肠胃健康是有好处的。但没有必要刻意去吃它。” 专家建议,橘子虽好,但不能贪“橘”哦。 浙江省中医院中内科副主任中医师夏永良博士表示:橘子里含有丰富的胡萝卜素,长期大量食用,胡萝卜素就进入体内,在肝脏不能完全将其代谢处理的情况下,血液中的胡萝卜素就会浓度过高,从而使皮肤呈黄色或橘黄色。 According to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, adults are recommended to consume 200-350 grams of fresh fruit a day, which is equivalent to 2 or 3 tangerines. Tangerines are rich in organic acids, so it is best to eat tangerines after meals in order not to hurt the stomach. Experts also recommended eating tangerine slices, rather than squeezing them into juice, which is more conducive to maintaining stable blood sugar. 根据中国居民膳食指南的推荐,普通成人需每天吃新鲜水果200-350克,全部换算为橘子大概是2、3个。由于橘子里有机酸含量丰富,最好饭后吃橘子,并且一瓣一瓣地吃下橘子,这比榨成汁喝更有利于血糖平稳。 |