为辅助一项监测研究,专家在英格兰萨里郡捕捉了一只会危害庄稼、侵扰房屋的 “臭屁虫”。 Brown marmorated stink bugs are tiny dull shield-shaped insects which get their name from the strong odour they emit when threatened. They've become a nuisance in the US, invading homes in their hundreds and destroying farmers' crops. 茶翅蝽是一种体型很小的褐色盾形昆虫,因受威胁时会发出恶臭而得名 “臭屁虫”。它们已经成为了美国的一大公害,数以百计的虫子侵入家园,还毁坏农民的庄稼。 The lone adult male stink bug was discovered at Wisley Gardens in Surrey. The insect's been found in the UK only a handful of times before, and there's concern it could become established here. 这个单只的成年雄性蝽是在英格兰萨里郡的威斯利花园被发现的。此前,这种昆虫在英国只被发现过寥寥几次,如今有人担心它们会在这里繁衍。 Experts say the bug may have arrived on imported goods or as part of a yet undiscovered local population. 专家认为,这种虫子可能是通过进口商品传入英国的,或者是本地尚未发现的一批蝽虫的一部分。 The government said the insect was not a significant threat to British crops. But as with all pests and diseases, it would continue to monitor any threats closely. 政府表示,这种昆虫并不会对英国农作物造成重大威胁。但与对待所有病虫害一样,政府将密切监测任何威胁。 |