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The top of our world is changing ­– warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. And it is destroying communities.


Alfred Kiyutelluk, Shishmaref resident

My house used to be about 20 feet [6 metres] out, where you see… the water breaks.

阿尔弗雷德·基尤泰拉克       希什马廖夫镇居民


The island of Shishmaref [Alaskan town] is on the frontline of climate change. As temperatures rise, less sea ice forms, exposing the coast.


Alfred Kiyutelluk, Shishmaref resident

It's getting later and later every year for this ocean to freeze up. It's tough but [we have] got to keep going.

阿尔弗雷德·基尤泰拉克       希什马廖夫镇居民


As the climate changes, the animals and fish that people here used to live on are getting harder to find.


Howard Weyiouanna Sr, Shishmaref mayor

Right now, we're supposed to be fishing in the lagoon and up the rivers. Now we've got to wait until, like, December or probably January to start going up again.

老霍华德·维伊乌安纳       希什马廖夫镇长


Parts of the main road have washed away, and now the air strip that is the community's lifeline to the outside world is threatened.


Dennis Davis, Shishmaref resident

If it gets to the runway, then we can't use it anymore. We use the runway for medevacs. We use the runway for getting all our food flown in, all our mail, and passenger service.

丹尼斯·戴维斯       希什马廖夫镇居民


The plan is to move the entire town onto the mainland. It will cost an estimated a hundred and eighty million dollars, but, says Dennis, they've got no choice.


Dennis Davis, Shishmaref resident

The climate's changing so fast. And the storms are getting more violent, and the ice isn't forming, and the water's warming. I mean, it's… I would say, within the next five, ten years, this will all be covered – easy. Just that one or two degrees makes a big difference.

丹尼斯·戴维斯       希什马廖夫镇居民


It isn't easy to let go of the place where you've spent your entire life. But if greenhouse gas emissions aren't cut rapidly, it is something many millions more people are likely to have to face.

