本文由赵彦春教授授权爱思英语发布,转载请注明出处和作者 英语巴士网推出全新栏目《佳作欣赏》,旨在为各位网友提供互相、探讨、交流的平台。《佳作欣赏》主要设置以下子栏目:英文写作,英汉互译,方法,人生感悟。除英文写作以外,其余子栏目中英文皆可。如果您有好的作品,请向我们推荐。原创优先,转载作品请注明作者及出处。爱思,因你而精彩;爱思,大家的平台! 学习学习 在线投稿:http://www.engbus.cn/custom/add.html 《天上飘来雪的童话》 文/任雨玲 昨夜里的一场春雪 飘来了童话的梦境 沿着那洁白的地毯 我们漫步桃花源垄 望远山皑皑的白雪 像白雪公主的琼宫 忘却尘世间的喧闹 我们牵手南国溪行 去采撷红豆来北国 种植在你我的心中 ![天上飘来雪的童话 (美文)](/uploads/yuedu/2020/07/20/22501253930.jpg)
Spring Snow By Angela Ren Tr. Zhao Yanchun A snow of spring did come along last night And flew here a dream of fairy tale Along the carpet that was purely white We strolled amid peach blossoms in the dale Looking at the mountains where snow did glint Like a palace where snow princess did stand I forgot the dust world with all its dint And we went along the stream hand in hand
To pluck red beans in North Land we would go And sow them in our hearts and let them grow |