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创业者2015年应拜读的八本书 下


ThinkerToys by Michael Michalko

The ability to create is just that -- a developable ability -- that can be learned and improved upon much like any other competency, and the author does just that in this creativity "bible." After all, creativity and opportunity are what emboldens wannabe startup founders to take the plunge into the world of debt known as entrepreneurship. ThinkerToys, and its companion Thinkpad: A Brainstorming Card Deck, offers 33 different exercises and 56 cards that will spark your creativity and inspire the innovation monster within.

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand

There's a reason why this book is number one on Amazon and a Hollywood motion picture. While entrepreneurism isn't quite the theme of this book, the lessons of personal sacrifice, survival and resiliency are. After reading this book your perspective on founding a startup may change because if the main character, Louie Zamperini, overcame the challenges and catastrophes he faced, then so can you.

Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Gen. (Ret.) Stan McChrystal, Chris Fussel, Tantum Collins, and David Silverman

As head of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Gen. (Ret.) Stan McChrystal faced an enemy that was constantly changing before his very eyes. In a world of both complicated and complex challenges, how do you stay ahead of the power curve while the world and competition change? This book explains how.

Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler

While this book is completely visionary, it raises questions and concerns about current industrial and societal trends and where they will lead in the future. From a startup perspective, the global challenges the authors envision also serve as business opportunities. Of note, the authors have a second book entitled Bold coming out in February 2015 that will "teach today's entrepreneurs the tools, technologies and mindsets they will need to make 'it' happen."
