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How to Start Your Own Country

If there is anyone, that has enough time and money to invest in starting his/her own country, I'd love to meet him/her. Even better, I'd love to meet the person that sat down and had enough time to write a book surrounding the idea of creating a country. For one, a country isn't "created" by just one person; and two, land is always readily available, the only part that is started is a name.

How to Pee Standing Up

Apparently, being a girl and being able to pee while standing up is "hip." I didn't know women were looking to be more like men. I thought that whole individualism thing was still alive and well today. Would feminists frown or be happy about this book? Peeing standing up gives us one more privilege a man has!

How to Speak Cat

Speaking cat isn't hard, mainly because cats generally don't listen. Who'd invest their time trying to understand an animal that isn't even seen most of the time? If you wanted to understand all of the different mews and sounds that come from your cat's mouth, this is the book for you.

How to Survive a Robot Uprising

This seems like a useless book to me. In order for robots to rise up, they'd need to have some sort of control. However, those little things called remote controls, come very in handy to control a robot. Surviving a robot uprising would include the click or switch of a button. Tough! I guess if you're a sci-fi kinda guy you'd enjoy this book.

How to Become a Schizophrenic

I didn't know people actually could, and would want to "become" schizophrenic. Nothing like being able to allow yourself to become one who hears voices. However, I guess, maybe, it's something worth experiencing. Who knows. On the brighter side, this book does provide many theories as how one becomes a schizophrenic. How to Become a Schizophrenic.
