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20件在公共场合令情侣难堪的事 上

2023-12-05 18:30:55 3

1. Arguing 

Whether you're the one raising your voice and making angry hand gestures (Courtney Cox style) or on the receiving end (Johnny McDaid), having a row where others can see or hear us, is high on most people's 'Please No' list. 

2. Spilling secrets 

Letting your less-well-off friends know exactly how much you spent on your house/sofa/bag; telling your boss how you frequently stay up late binging on box sets; how you pick your toenails when you're sitting on the sofa or revealing dark secrets from your past. 

3. Giving intimate details of your sex life 

What you get up to, how often you have it (particularly galling if it's not impressive). |

4. Political rants 

Something most of us can relate to post-Brexit. 

It's one thing having a lively debate, quite another pointing fingers, going red in the face and refusing to let others change the subject. 

5. Swearing 

We've all let off the odd 'F-bomb' but a partner who does that (or worse) every sentence, when you're out with your parents and their friends, isn't endearing. 

6. Bad language 

'Was' instead of 'were', using completely the wrong word or in the wrong context… all make you wince if you're around well-spoken friends or family. 

The flipside is a partner who deliberately talks 'above' the people you're with, using words no one else understands to show off. 

7. Shocking table manners 

Up there with partners who get horrendously drunk are partners who start eating before everyone else, talk with their mouths full, drop egg down their top, don't put their knives and forks together when they're finished. 

8. Getting drunk 

It's the most common partner faux pas but that doesn't make it any less painful for the partner forced to smile as their other half demonstrates how twerking should really be done. 

9. Being too frisky or over-affectionate 

Usually a by-product of the above, getting too 'handsy' while inebriated or making loud, slurry pronouncements of love can be seen as kind of cute or complimentary by some. 

But definitely not all. 

10. Bad clothing choices 

Clashing colours, clothes too short, too tight, out of fashion, inappropriate or just wrong makes us flush for obvious reasons: our partner doesn't even need to say anything to embarrass us. 

All they need to do is stand there! 
