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少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 8


Chapter 8

We commonly say in the trade that the most dangerous animal in a zoo is Man. In a general way we mean how our species' excessive predatoriness has made the entire planet our prey. More specifically, we have in mind the people who feed fishhooks to the otters, razors to the bears, apples with small nails in them to the elephants and hardware variations on the theme: ballpoint pens, paper clips, safety pins, rubber bands, combs, coffee spoons, horseshoes, pieces of broken glass, rings, brooches and other jewellery (and not just cheap plastic bangles: gold wedding bands, too), drinking straws, plastic cutlery, ping-pong balls, tennis balls and so on. The obituary of zoo animals that have died from being fed foreign bodies would include gorillas, bison, storks, rheas, ostriches, seals, sea lions, big cats, bears, camels, elephants, monkeys, and most every variety of deer, ruminant and songbird. Among zookeepers, Goliath's death is famous; he was a bull elephant seal, a great big venerable beast of two tons, star of his European zoo, loved by all visitors. He died of internal bleeding after someone fed him a broken beer bottle.

The cruelty is often more active and direct. The literature contains reports on the many torments inflicted upon zoo animals: a shoebill dying of shock after having its beak smashed with a hammer; a moose stag losing its beard, along with a strip of flesh the size of an index finger, to a visitor's knife (this same moose was poisoned six months later); a monkey's arm broken after reaching out for proffered nuts; a deer's antlers attacked with a hacksaw; a zebra stabbed with a sword; and other assaults on other animals, with walking sticks, umbrellas, hairpins, knitting needles, scissors and whatnot, often with an aim to taking an eye out or to injuring sexual parts. Animals are also poisoned. And there are indecencies even more bizarre: onanists breaking a sweat on monkeys, ponies, birds; a religious freak who cut a snake's head off; a deranged man who took to urinating in an elk's mouth.

At Pondicherry we were relatively fortunate. We were spared the sadists who plied European and American zoos. Nonetheless, our golden agouti vanished, stolen by someone who ate it, Father suspected. Various birds - pheasants, peacocks, macaws - lost feathers to people greedy for their beauty. We caught a man with a knife climbing into the pen for mouse deer; he said he was going to punish evil Ravana (who in the Ramayana took the form of a deer when he kidnapped Sita, Rama's consort). Another man was nabbed in the process of stealing a cobra. He was a snake charmer whose own snake had died. Both were saved: the cobra from a life of servitude and bad music, and the man from a possible death bite. We had to deal on occasion with stone throwers, who found the animals too placid and wanted a reaction. And we had the lady whose sari was caught by a lion. She spun like a yo-yo, choosing mortal embarrassment over mortal end. The thing was, it wasn't even an accident. She had leaned over, thrust her hand in the cage and waved the end of her sari in the lion's face, with what intent we never figured out. She was not injured; there were many fascinated men who came to her assistance. Her flustered explanation to Father was, "Whoever heard of a lion eating a cotton sari? I thought lions were carnivores." Our worst troublemakers were the visitors who gave food to the animals. Despite our vigilance, Dr. Atal, the zoo veterinarian, could tell by the number of animals with digestive disturbances which had been the busy days at the zoo. He called "tidbit-itis" the cases of enteritis or gastritis due to too many carbohydrates, especially sugar. Sometimes we wished people had stuck to sweets. People have a notion that animals can eat anything without the least consequence to their health. Not so. One of our sloth bears became seriously ill with severe hemorrhagic enteritis after being given fish that had gone putrid by a man who was convinced he was doing a good deed.

Just beyond the ticket booth Father had painted on a wall in bright red letters the question:

Do You Know Which is the Most Dangerous Animal in the Zoo?

An arrow pointed to a small curtain. There were so many eager, curious hands that pulled at the curtain that we had to replace it regularly. Behind it was a mirror.

But I learned at my expense that Father believed there was another animal even more dangerous than us, and one that was extremely common, too, found on every continent, in every habitat: the redoubtable species Animalus anthropomorphicus, the animal as seen through human eyes. We've all met one, perhaps even owned one. It is an animal that is "cute," "friendly," "loving," "devoted," "merry," "understanding." These animals lie in ambush in every toy store and children's zoo. Countless stories are told of them. They are the pendants of those "vicious," "bloodthirsty," "depraved" animals that inflame the ire of the maniacs I have just mentioned, who vent their spite on them with walking sticks and umbrellas.

In both cases we look at an animal and see a mirror. The obsession with putting ourselves at the centre of everything is the bane not only of theologians but also of zoologists.

I learned the lesson that an animal is an animal, essentially and practically removed from us, twice: once with Father and once with Richard Parker.

It was on a Sunday morning. I was quietly playing on my own. Father called out.

"Children, come here."

Something was wrong. His tone of voice set off a small alarm bell in my head. I quickly reviewed my conscience. It was clear. Ravi must be in trouble again. I wondered what he had done this time. I walked into the living room. Mother was there. That was unusual. The disciplining of children, like the tending of animals, was generally left to Father. Ravi walked in last, guilt written all over his criminal face.

"Ravi, Piscine, I have a very important lesson for you today."

"Oh really, is this necessary?" interrupted Mother. Her face was flushed.

I swallowed. If Mother, normally so unruffled, so calm, was worried, even upset, it meant we were in serious trouble. I exchanged glances with Ravi.

"Yes, it is," said Father, annoyed. "It may very well save their lives."

Save our lives! It was no longer a small alarm bell that was ringing in my head - they were big bells now, like the ones we heard from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, not far from the zoo.

"But Piscine? He's only eight," Mother insisted.

"He's the one who worries me the most."

"I'm innocent!" I burst out. "It's Ravi's fault, whatever it is. He did it!"

"What?" said Ravi. "I haven't done anything wrong." He gave me the evil eye.

"Shush!" said Father, raising his hand. He was looking at Mother. "Gita, you've seen Piscine. He's at that age when boys run around and poke their noses everywhere."

Me? A run-arounder? An everywhere-nose-poker? Not so, not so! Defend me, Mother, defend me, I implored in my heart. But she only sighed and nodded, a signal that the terrible business could proceed.

"Come with me," said Father.

We set out like prisoners off to their execution.

We left the house, went through the gate, entered the zoo. It was early and the zoo hadn't opened yet to the public. Animal keepers and groundskeepers were going about their work. I noticed Sitaram, who oversaw the orang-utans, my favourite keeper. He paused to watch us go by. We passed birds, bears, apes, monkeys, ungulates, the terrarium house, the rhinos, the elephants, the giraffes.

We came to the big cats, our tigers, lions and leopards. Babu, their keeper, was waiting for us. We went round and down the path, and he unlocked the door to the cat house, which was at the centre of a moated island. We entered. It was a vast and dim cement cavern, circular in shape, warm and humid, and smelling of cat urine. All around were great big cages divided up by thick, green, iron bars. A yellowish light filtered down from the skylights. Through the cage exits we could see the vegetation of the surrounding island, flooded with sunlight. The cages were empty - save one: Mahisha, our Bengal tiger patriarch, a lanky, hulking beast of 550 pounds, had been detained. As soon as we stepped in, he loped up to the bars of his cage and set off a full-throated snarl, ears flat against his skull and round eyes fixed on Babu. The sound was so loud and fierce it seemed to shake the whole cat house. My knees started quaking. I got close to Mother. She was trembling, too. Even Father seemed to pause and steady himself. Only Babu was indifferent to the outburst and to the searing stare that bored into him like a drill. He had a tested trust in iron bars. Mahisha started pacing to and fro against the limits of his cage.

Father turned to us. "What animal is this?" he bellowed above Mahisha's snarling.

"It's a tiger," Ravi and I answered in unison, obediently pointing out the blindingly obvious.

"Are tigers dangerous?"

"Yes, Father, tigers are dangerous."

"Tigers are very dangerous," Father shouted. "I want you to understand that you are never - under any circumstances - to touch a tiger, to pet a tiger, to put your hands through the bars of a cage, even to get close to a cage. Is that clear? Ravi?"

Ravi nodded vigorously.


I nodded even more vigorously.

He kept his eyes on me.

I nodded so hard I'm surprised my neck didn't snap and my head fall to the floor.

I would like to say in my own defence that though I may have anthropomorphized the animals till they spoke fluent English, the pheasants complaining in uppity British accents of their tea being cold and the baboons planning their bank robbery getaway in the flat, menacing tones of American gangsters, the fancy was always conscious. I quite deliberately dressed wild animals in tame costumes of my imagination. But I never deluded myself as to the real nature of my playmates. My poking nose had more sense than that. I don't know where Father got the idea that his youngest son was itching to step into a cage with a ferocious carnivore. But wherever the strange worry came from - and Father was a worrier - he was clearly determined to rid himself of it that very morning.

"I'm going to show you how dangerous tigers are," he continued. "I want you to remember this lesson for the rest of your lives."

He turned to Babu and nodded. Babu left. Malahisha's eyes followed him and did not move from the door he disappeared through. He returned a few seconds later carrying a goat with its legs tied. Mother gripped me from behind. Mahihisha's snarl turned into a growl deep in the throat.

Babu unlocked, opened, entered, closed and locked a cage next to the tiger's cage. Bars and a trapdoor separated the two. Immediately Mahisha was up against the dividing bars, pawing them. To his growling he now added explosive, arrested woofs. Babu placed the goat on the floor; its flanks were heaving violently, its tongue hung from its mouth, and its eyes were spinning orbs. He untied its legs. The goat got to its feet. Babu exited the cage in the same careful way he had entered it. The cage had two floors, one level with us, the other at the back, higher by about three feet, that led outside to the island. The goat scrambled to this second level. Mahisha, now unconcerned with Babu, paralleled the move in his cage in a fluid, effortless motion. He crouched and lay still, his slowly moving tail the only sign of tension.

Babu stepped up to the trapdoor between the cages and started pulling it open. In anticipation of satisfaction, Mahisha fell silent. I heard two things at that moment: Father saying "Never forget this lesson" as he looked on grimly; and the bleating of the goat. It must have been bleating all along, only we couldn't hear it before.

I could feel Mother's hand pressed against my pounding heart.

The trapdoor resisted with sharp cries. Mahisha was beside himself - he looked as if he were about to burst through the bars. He seemed to hesitate between staying where he was, at the place where his prey was closest but most certainly out of reach, and moving to the ground level, further away but where the trapdoor was located. He raised himself and started snarling again.

The goat started to jump. It jumped to amazing heights. I had no idea a goat could jump so high. But the back of the cage was a high and smooth cement wall.

With sudden ease the trapdoor slid open. Silence fell again, except for bleating and the click-click of the goat's hooves against the floor.

A streak of black and orange flowed from one cage to the next.

Normally the big cats were not given food one day a week, to simulate conditions in the wild. We found out later that Father had ordered that Mahisha not be fed for three days.

I don't know if I saw blood before turning into Mother's arms or if I daubed it on later, in my memory, with a big brush. But I heard. It was enoiugh to scare the living vegetarian daylights out of me. Mother bundled us out. We were in hysterics. She was incensed.

"How could you, Santosh? They're children! They'll be scarred for the rest of their lives."

Her voice was hot and tremulous. I could see she had tears in her eyes. I felt better.

"Gita, my bird, it's for their sake. What if Piscine had stuck his hand through the bars of the cage one day to touch the pretty orange fur? Better a goat than him, no?"

His voice was soft, nearly a whisper. He looked contrite. He never called her "my bird" in front of us.

We were huddled around her. He joined us. But the lesson was not over, though it was gentler after that.

Father led us to the lions and leopards.

"Once there was a madman in Australia who was a black belt in karate. He wanted to prove himself against the lions. He lost. Badly. The keepers found only half his body in the morning."

"Yes, Father."

The Himalayan bears and the sloth bears.

"One strike of the claws from these cuddly creatures and your innards will be scooped out and splattered all over the ground."

"Yes, Father."

The hippos.

"With those soft, flabby mouths of theirs they'll crush your body to a bloody pulp. On land they can outrun you."

"Yes, Father."

The hyenas.

"The strongest jaws in nature. Don't think that they're cowardly or that they only eat carrion. They're not and they don't! They'll start eating you while you're still alive."

"Yes, Father."

The orang-utans.

"As strong as ten men. They'll break your bones as if they were twigs. I know some of them were once pets and you played with them when they were small. But now they're grown-up and wild and unpredictable."

"Yes, Father."

The ostrich.

"Looks flustered and silly, doesn't it? Listen up: it's one of the most dangerous animals in a zoo. Just one kick and your back is broken or your torso is crushed."

"Yes, Father."

The spotted deer.

"So pretty, aren't they? If the male feels he has to, he'll charge you and those short little antlers will pierce you like daggers."

"Yes, Father."

The Arabian camel.

"One slobbering bite and you've lost a chunk of flesh."

"Yes, Father."

The black swans.

"With their beaks they'll crack your skull. With their wings they'll break your arms."

"Yes, Father."

The smaller birds.

"They'll cut through your fingers with their beaks as if they were butter."

"Yes, Father."

The elephants.

"The most dangerous animal of all. More keepers and visitors are killed by elephants than by any other animal in a zoo. A young elephant will most likely dismember you and trample your body parts flat. That's what happened to one poor lost soul in a European zoo who got into the elephant house through a window. An older, more patient animal will squeeze you against a wall or sit on you. Sounds funny - but think about it!"

"Yes, Father."

"There are animals we haven't stopped by. Don't think they're harmless. Life will defend itself no matter how small it is. Every animal is ferocious and dangerous. It may not kill you, but it will certainly injure you. It will scratch you and bite you, and you can look forward to a swollen, pus-filled infection, a high fever and a ten-day stay in the hospital."

"Yes, Father."

We came to the guinea pigs, the only other animals besides Mahisha to have been starved at Father's orders, having been denied their previous evening's meal. Father unlocked the cage. He brought out a bag of feed from his pocket and emptied it on the floor.

"You see these guinea pigs?"

"Yes, Father."

The creatures were trembling with weakness as they frantically nibbled their kernels of corn.

"Well..." He leaned down and scooped one up. "They're not dangerous." The other guinea pigs scattered instantly.

Father laughed. He handed me the squealing guinea pig. He meant to end on a light note.

The guinea pig rested in my arms tensely. It was a young one. I went to the cage and carefully lowered it to the floor. It rushed to its mother's side. The only reason these guinea pigs weren't dangerous - didn't draw blood with their teeth and claws - was that they were practically domesticated. Otherwise, to grab a wild guinea pig with your bare hands would be like taking hold of a knife by the blade.

The lesson was over. Ravi and I sulked and gave Father the cold shoulder for a week. Mother ignored him too. When I went by the rhinoceros pit I fancied the rhinos' heads were hung low with sadness over the loss of one of their dear companions.

But what can you do when you love your father? Life goes on and you don't touch tigers. Except that now, for having accused Ravi of an unspecified crime he hadn't committed, I was as good as dead. In years subsequent, when he was in the mood to terrorize me, he would whisper to me, "Just wait till we're alone. You're the next goat!"


    我们这一行通常说动物园里最危险的动物就是人。这句话的大概意思是,人类过度的掠夺性使整座星球都成了我们的猎物。更具体地说,我们想到的是这么一些人, 他们给水獭喂鱼钩,给熊喂剃须刀,给大象喂里面有小钉子的苹果,给动物喂各种五金制品:圆珠笔、回形针、安全别针、橡皮筋、梳子、咖啡勺、马蹄铁、碎玻璃 片、戒指、胸针和其他珠宝(而且不只是便宜的塑料手镯:也有结婚金戒指)、吸管、妲料刀具、乒乓球、网球,等等。讣告上由于被人喂了异物而死亡的动物园里 的动物包括长颈鹿、野牛、鹳、美洲驼、鸵鸟、海豹、海狮、大型猫科动物、熊、骆驼、大象、猴子以及几乎所有种类的鹿、反刍动物和燕雀。动物饲养员都知道哥 利亚之死;他是一头雄海象,一头体重两吨的庞大的珍贵野兽,是他所在的欧洲动物园的明星,受到所有游客的喜爱。他在吃了一个人喂他的破啤酒瓶之后死于内出 血。

    这样的残忍常常更加主动、直接。文献记载了动物园里的动物遭受各种折磨的报告:一只鲸头鹳在嘴被一把锤子砸烂以后死于休克;一头雄性麋鹿在一位游客的刀下 失去了胡须和一块食指大小的肉(这头鹿六个月后被毒死);一只猴子伸手去拿递给它的坚果时被弄断了胳膊;一买鹿的角遭到了钢锯的袭击;一匹斑马被剑刺中; 还有用其他东西,包括手杖、雨伞、发夹、缝衣针、剪刀和诸.如此类的东西,对其他动物进行的攻击.,目的通常是要挖出一只眼睛,或者伤害性器官。动物也会 被投毒。还有其他甚至更加古怪的下流行为:手淫者在猴子、驴子和小鸟面前干得大汗淋漓;个宗教狂割下了一条蛇的头;一个疯子喜欢上了  在本地治里,我们相对幸运一些。我们没有不断攻击欧洲和美洲动物园的虐待狂。尽管如此,我们的金色刺豚鼠还是不见了,父亲怀疑是被人偷去吃掉了。各种鸟 ——雉鸡、孔雀、金刚鹦鹉——在贪图它们美丽的人手里丢了羽毛。我们曾经抓住一个拿着一把刀爬进鼷鹿圈的人;他说他要惩罚邪恶的罗波那(罗波那,印度神话 中的十首魔王。)(他在<罗摩衍那>里变成鹿,绑架了罗摩的配偶悉多)。还有一个人在偷一条眼镜蛇时被当场捉住。他是个耍蛇人,自己的蛇死 了。他和蛇都得救了:眼镜蛇不用去过受奴役的生活,忍受糟糕的音乐,而人则避免了可能被蛇咬到的那致命的一口。有时我们得对付扔石头的人,他们认为动物太 平静了,想要得到反应。有一位女士的莎丽(印度妇女用以裹身包头或裹身披肩的蔓段布或绸。)被一头狮子抓住了。在极度尴尬和死亡之间她选择了前者,像一只 玩具转线盘一样打着转。事实是,这甚至不是个意外。她向前凑过身子,把手伸进笼子里,在狮子面前晃动着莎丽的一端,这是出于什么目的,我们一直没弄明白。 她没有受伤;很多被这一情景吸引的人来帮她。她红着脸对父亲做出的解释是:“谁听说过狮子吃棉莎丽?我以为狮子是食肉动物呢。”最捣乱的是那些给动物喂食 的人。尽管我们很警惕,动物园的兽医阿塔尔医生还是能根据有消化问题的动韧数量来判断哪一天是动物园游客最多的一天。他把由于吃了太多的碳水化合物,尤其 是太多的糖,而得的肠炎和胃炎叫做“美味炎”。有时候我们希望人们只喂甜食。人们有一种看法,认为动物可以吃任何东西,却不会有健康问题。并非如此。我们 的一只懒熊吃了一个人给它的腐烂的鱼以后因为肠子大出血而病得很严重,己是在做好事。


    但是我付出了代价,了解到父亲相信还有一种动物甚至比我们更加危险,而且这种动物非常常见,在每一座大陆上,每一处栖息地都有:可怕的物种 Animalus  anthropomorphicus①(①作者仿照拉丁文构词法自造的词,意即-具有人形状的动物”。),即人眼里的动物。我们都遇见过这种动物,也许甚 至还养过一只。这是一种“漂亮”、“友好”、“可爱”、“忠诚”、“快乐”、“善解人意”的动物。这些动物埋伏在每一家玩具店和儿童动物园里。关于它们的 故事数也数不清。它们是那些“邪恶”、“嗜血’’、“堕落”的动物的补充,后者燃起了我刚才提到的那些疯子的怒火,他们用手杖和雨伞对它们发泄怨恨。在两 种情况下,我们都在看一只动物时看到了一面镜子。痴迷于把我们自己置于一切的中心,这不仅是神学家的灾祸,也是动物学家的灾祸。




    出了什么事了。他的语调在我脑子里拉响了一只小警钟。我迅速回顾了一遍自己的良心。它是清白的。拉维肯定又惹祸了。我不知道这次他做了什么。我走进起居 室。母亲在那儿。这很不寻常。教训孩子和照料动物通常都是由父亲去做的。拉维最后一个进来,他那张罪犯的脸上写满了过失。















    我们来到大型猫科动物——我们的老虎、狮子和豹子——的笼前。他们的饲养员巴布正等着我们。我们走过去,沿着小路朝笼子走,他打开了通向猫科动物笼舍的 门,笼舍在一座周围有深沟的小岛上。我们走了进去。那是一座很大的光线昏暗的水泥洞穴,洞是圆形的,温暖潮湿,闻上去有猫尿的气味。周围全是用很粗的绿色 铁栏杆分隔开来的高大的笼子。一束发黄的光线透过天窗照射下来。透过笼子出口,我们可以看见周围小岛上的植物,上面洒满了阳光。笼子都是空的,只有一只除 外:玛赫沙,我们的盂加拉虎元老,一只体重550磅的瘦长、笨拙的动物被关在了里面。我们一跨进去,他就跳跃着朝笼子栏杆跑过来,发出洪亮的嗥叫声,耳朵 紧贴着脑袋,圆圆的眼睛目不转睛地看着巴布。叫声那么响亮,那么凶猛,仿佛把整座笼舍都震动了。我的膝盖开始哆嗦起来。我靠紧了母亲。她也在发抖。甚至父 亲似乎也停顿了一下,稳住自己。只有巴布对突然爆发的叫声和像钻头一样直刺向他的灼热的目光无动于衷。根据经验,他对铁栏杆很信任。玛赫沙开蛤在笼子有限 的空间里走来走去。











    我要为自己辩护,尽管我也许把动物人格化,直到它们能说流利的英语,雉鸡用傲慢的英国口音抱怨茶是凉的,狒狒用美国歹徒带有威胁的平板语调计划抢劫银行后 如何逃走,但我一直都知道这是幻想。我在想像中故意给野生动物披上驯服的家养动物的外衣。但我从没有在我的玩伴的真正本性方面欺骗自己。我到处乱探的头脑 还不至于那么不明智。我不知道父亲的这种想法是从哪里来的,竟会认为他的小儿子渴望和一只凶猛的食肉动物一起跨进笼子。但是无论他的奇怪担忧从何而来—— 父亲的确是个好担忧的人—-显然他已下定决心就在那天早晨消除担忧。



    巴布打开锁,打开门,走进去,关上门,锁上老虎笼旁个笼子。栏杆和活板门把两个笼子分开。玛赫沙立刻冲向隔离栏杆,开始用爪子抓栏杆。除了吼叫,他现在又 发出爆炸般的间歇的呜呜声。巴布把山羊放在了地上;山羊的体侧剧烈起伏着,舌头从嘴里伸出来,眼珠像球一样转动着。他给它的腿松了绑。山羊站了起来。巴布 和进去时一样小心翼翼地离开了笼子。笼子有两层地面,一层和我们站的地面平齐,另一层在后面,高出大约三英尺,通向外面的小岛。山羊慌慌张张地爬上了第二 层。玛赫沙现在已经不关心巴布了,他在笼子里也跳上了第二层,动作优美流畅、毫不费力。他蹲下来,一动不动地待着,只有慢慢动着的尾巴显示他很紧张。












































    “最危险的动物。被大象杀死的饲养员和游客比被动物园任何其他动物杀死的都要多。幼象很可能把你撕碎,把你的尸体踩扁。这就是发生在欧洲一个从窗户爬进象 舍的可怜的迷失的灵魂身上的事。岁数大一些的,耐心好一些的象会把你挤在墙上,或者坐在你身上。听上去很好笑?但是想想吧!"












