少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 19
Chapter 19 I went to see him again. "What's your religion about?" I asked. His eyes lit up. "It is about the Beloved," he replied. I challenge anyone to understand Islam, its spirit, and not to love it. It is a beautiful religion of brotherhood and devotion. The mosque was truly an open construction, to God and to breeze. We sat cross-legged listening to the imam until the time came to pray. Then the random pattern of sitters disappeared as we stood and arranged ourselves shoulder to shoulder in rows, every space ahead being filled by someone from behind until every line was solid and we were row after row of worshippers. It felt good to bring my forehead to the ground. Immediately it felt like a deeply religious contact. 第十九章 我又去见了他 “你的宗教是关于什么的?”我问。 他的眼情里有了神采。“是关于安拉。"他回答。 我要向所有人挑战,要求他们去了解伊斯兰教,了解它的精神,而并不是去爱它。它是关于兄弟之情和奉献的美好的宗教。 清真寺是真正的开放的建筑,对上帝开放,也对微风开放。我们盘腿而坐,听伊玛目讲经,一直听到祈祷时间。那时,随意坐的情况不见了,我们站起来,肩并肩一 排排坐好,前面的每一个空都被后面的一个人补上,直到每一排的人都满了,我们是一排排的拜神者。以额触地的感觉很好。这立刻让人感到深入的宗教接触。 |