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少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 71


Chapter 71

To those who should ever find themselves in a predicament such as I was in, I would recommend the following program:

1. Choose a day when the waves are small but regular. You want a sea that will put on a good show when your lifeboat is broadside to it, though without capsizing your boat.

2. Stream your sea anchor full out to make your lifeboat as stable and comfortable as possible. Prepare your safe haven from the lifeboat in case you should need it (you most likely will). If you can, devise some means of bodily protection. Almost anything can make a shield. Wrapping clothes or blankets around your limbs will make for a minimal form of armour.

3. Now comes the difficult part: you must provoke the animal that is afflicting you. Tiger, rhinoceros, ostrich, wild boar, brown bear - no matter the beast, you must get its goat. The best way to do this will most likely be to go to the edge of your territory and noisily intrude into the neutral zone. I did just that: I went to the edge of the tarpaulin and stamped upon the middle bench as I mildly blew into the whistle. It is important that you make a consistent, recognizable noise to signal your aggression. But you must be careful. You want to provoke your animal, but only so much. You don't want it to attack you outright. If it does, God be with you. You will be torn to pieces, trampled flat, disembowelled, very likely eaten. You don't want that. You want an animal that is piqued, peeved, vexed, bothered, irked, annoyed - but not homicidal. Under no circumstances should you step into your animal's territory. Contain your aggression to staring into its eyes and hurling toots and taunts.

4. When your animal has been roused, work in all bad faith to provoke a border intrusion. A good way of bringing this about in my experience is to back off slowly as you are making your noises. Be sure not to break eye contact! As soon as the animal has laid a paw in your territory, or even made a determined advance into the neutral territory, you have achieved your goal. Don't be picky or legalistic as to where its paw actually landed. Be quick to be affronted. Don't wait to construe-misconstrue as fast as you can. The point here is to make your animal understand that its upstairs neighbour is exceptionally persnickety about territory.

5. Once your animal has trespassed upon your territory, be unflagging in your outrage. Whether you have fled to your safe haven off the lifeboat or retreated to the back of your territory on the lifeboat, start blowing your whistle at full blast and immediately trip the sea anchor. These two actions are of pivotal importance. You must not delay putting them into effect. If you can help your lifeboat get broadside to the waves by other means, with an oar for example, apply yourself right away. The faster your lifeboat broaches to the waves, the better.

6. Blowing a whistle continuously is exhausting for the weakened castaway, but you must not falter. Your alarmed animal must associate its increasing nausea with the shrill cries of the whistle. You can help things move along by standing at the end of your boat, feet on opposing gunnels, and swaying in rhythm to the motion imparted by the sea. However slight you are, however large your lifeboat, you will be amazed at the difference this will make. I assure you, in no time you'll have your lifeboat rocking and rolling like Elvis Presley. Just don't forget to be blowing your whistle all the while, and mind you don't make your lifeboat capsize.

7. You want to keep going until the animal that is your burden - your tiger, your rhinoceros, whatever - is properly green about the gills with seasickness. You want to hear it heaving and dry retching. You want to see it lying at the bottom of the lifeboat, limbs trembling, eyes rolled back, a deathly rattle coming from its gaping mouth. And all the while you must be shattering the animal's ears with the piercing blows of your whistle. If you become sick yourself, don't waste your vomit by sending it overboard. Vomit makes an excellent border guard. Puke on the edges of your territory.

8. When your animal appears good and sick, you can stop. Seasickness comes on quickly, but it takes a long while to go away. You don't want to overstate your case. No one dies of nausea, but it can seriously sap the will to live. When enough is enough, stream the sea anchor, try to give shade to your animal if it has collapsed in direct sunlight, and make sure it has water available when it recovers, with anti-seasickness tablets dissolved in it, if you have any. Dehydration is a serious danger at this point. Otherwise retreat to your territory and leave your animal in peace. Water, rest and relaxation, besides a stable lifeboat, will bring it back to life. The animal should be allowed to recover fully before going through steps 1 to 8 again.

9. Treatment should be repeated until the association in the animal's mind between the sound of the whistle and the feeling of intense, incapacitating nausea is fixed and totally unambiguous. Thereafter, the whistle alone will deal with trespassing or any other untoward behaviour. Just one shrill blow and you will see your animal shudder with malaise and repair at top speed to the safest, furthest part of its territory. Once this level of training is reached, use of the whistle should be sparing.






    3. 现在最困难的部分开始了:你必须激怒使你苦恼的动物。老虎、犀牛、鸵鸟、野猪、棕熊——无论是哪一种野兽,你都必须惹恼它。最好的办法很可能就是走到你自 己的地盘的边缘,闯入中立地带,同时弄出很大的声响。我就是这么做的:我走到油布边上,边轻轻地吹哨子边踏上中间的坐板。你要持续不断地发出容易分辨的声 音,表明你在挑衅,这一点很重要。但你一定要小心。你想激怒动物,但仅此而已。你并不想让它立即对你发起攻击。如果它攻击你了,那么但愿十帝与你同在。你 会被撕碎,踩扁,开膛破肚,很可鸵被吃掉。你可不想让这样的事发生。你想要动物生气、发怒、烦恼、不安、厌恨、恼怒——但不杀人。无论在什么样的情况下, 你都不能踏进动物的


    4. 当你的动物已经被激怒时,你要用尽一切欺诈的办法逗引它侵入你的地盘。根据我的经验,让这种情形发生的一个好办法是边发出声音边慢慢向后退。绝不要停止眼 神接触!一旦动物的一只脚爪踏进了你的地盘,或者甚至坚决地走进了中立地带,你就达到了自己的目的。你不用去计较它的脚爪究竟踩到哪里才算入侵你的地盘, 重要的是立刻反应。别花时间去分析它的意图,而应该尽快曲解它的意图。关键是让你的动物明白,它楼上的邻居对于地盘非常爱挑剔。








    8. 当你的动物看上去很乖,很不舒服的时候,你就可以停止了。晕船的感觉来得快,去得却很慢。你不想过分夸大这一情况。没有人会因为恶心而死掉,但却可能因此 而严重消磨求生的意志。当一切适可而止的时候,抛出海锚,如果你的动物倒在阳光直射下,那就尽量给它一片阴凉,并且确保它恢复过来时能有水喝,在水里放上 几片治晕船的药,如果你有的话。这时脱水是非常严重的危险。另外,退回到你自己的地盘里,让动物安静。水、休息和放松,还有安稳的救生艇,会让它恢复生气 的。要先让动物完全恢复,然后才能重复第一至第八步骤。

    9.重复这一疗程,直到在动物大脑里建立起哨声和剧烈的、令人丧失能力的恶心之间牢 固的、明确的联系。从此以后,只要吹响哨子,就可以应付擅闯地盘和其他棘手的行为。只要吹响一声尖厉的哨音,你就会看到动物因为心神不宁而发抖,以最快的 速度到自己地盘最安全、最远的地方去。一旦达到了这样的训练水平,就应该有节制地使用哨子。
