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少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 76


Chapter 76

I got into the habit of cleaning up after Richard Parker. As soon as I became aware that he had had a bowel movement, I went about getting to it, a risky operation involving nudging his feces my way with the gaff and reaching for them from the tarpaulin. Feces can be infected with parasites. This does not matter with animals in the wild since they rarely spend any time next to their feces and mostly have a neutral relationship to them; tree dwellers hardly see them at all and land animals normally excrete and move on. In the compact territory of a zoo, however, the case is quite different, and to leave feces in an animal's enclosure is to invite reinfection by encouraging the animal to eat them, animals being gluttons for anything that remotely resembles food. That is why enclosures are cleaned, out of concern for the intestinal health of animals, not to spare the eyes and noses of visitors. But upholding the Patel family's reputation for high standards in zookeeping was not my concern in the case at hand. In a matter of weeks Richard Parker became constipated and his bowel movements came no more than once a month, so my dangerous janitoring was hardly worth it from a sanitary point of view. It was for another reason that I did it: it was because the first time Richard Parker relieved himself in the lifeboat, I noticed that he tried to hide the result. The significance of this was not lost on me. To display his feces openly, to flaunt the smell of them, would have been a sign of social dominance. Conversely, to hide them, or try to, was a sign of deference - of deference to me.

I could tell that it made him nervous. He stayed low, his head cocked back and his ears flat to the sides, a quiet, sustained growl coming from him. I proceeded with exceptionalalertness and deliberation, not only to preserve my life but also to give him the right signal. The right signal was that when I had his feces in my hand, I rolled them about for some seconds, brought them close to my nose and sniffed them loudly, and swung my gaze his way a few times in a showy manner, glaring at him wide-eyed (with fear, if only he knew) long enough to give him the willies, but not so long as to provoke him. And with each swing of my gaze, I blew in a low, menacing way in the whistle. By doing this, by badgering him with my eyes (for, of course, with all animals, including us, to stare is an aggressive act) and by sounding that whistle cry that had such ominous associations in his mind, I made clear to Richard Parker that it was my right, my lordly right, to fondle and sniff his feces if I wanted to.


    我   养成了跟在理查德·帕克后面打扫卫生的习惯。一旦注意到他大了便,我就立刻开始打扫。这是个危险的动作。我得用鱼叉把他的粪便轻轻拨到我这边,然后从油布   上伸手去拿。粪便里可能有寄生虫。对野生动物来说这没什么关系,因为它们很少待在自己的粪便旁边,而且通常并不在意自己的粪便;居住在树上的动物几乎看不  见自己的粪便,生活在地上的动物排泄之后便走开了。然而,在动物集中的动物园里,情况便完全不一样了。

    把粪便留在圈养动物的围栏里,它们 就  会把自己的粪便吃了,因为动物贪吃任何和食物哪怕只有一点点相像的东西,这样就会造成二次感染。这就是清扫动物围栏的原因,是为了关心动物的肠胃健康,而   不是为了让游客的眼睛和鼻子免遭污染。但是,在目前的情况下,我关心的并不是维护帕特尔家动物饲养水平高的声誉。大约几个星期前,理查德·帕克开始便秘,   他一个月最多大便一次,因此从卫生的角度来看,我危险的清理工作几乎不值得。我这么做另有原因:因为理查德.帕克第一次在救生艇上排泄之后,我注意到他试   图掩藏结果。这件事的重要性我不是不懂。如果公开显示自己的粪便,炫耀粪便的气味,那就是想要在社交中取得支配地位的标志。相反,将粪便藏起来,或者试图  藏起来,是服从的标志——一服从我。

    我能看出这使他紧张。他一直精神不振,头向后竖,耳朵紧贴在头的两侧,不断地发出低声的吼叫。我非常 小  心地慢慢地干着,这不仅是为了保全自己的生命,也是为了向他发出一个正确的信号。正确的信号就是,我把他的粪便抓在手里时,会揉搓几秒钟,然后放到鼻子跟  前,大声地闻,并且炫耀地朝他看几眼,睁大眼睛(眼神中带着恐惧,如果他知道的话)瞪着他,时间长得足以让他感到紧张不安,但又不至丁激怒他。每看他一   眼,我就吹一次哨子,发出低沉的威胁的声音。这样,通过用眼睛逗弄他(因为,当然,对于所有的动物,包括我们人类在内,瞪眼看是一种挑衅的行为)和吹响在   他心里引起不祥联想的哨声,我让理查德·帕克明白,只要我愿意,我就可以玩弄和嗅闻他的粪便,这是我的权力,是我作为主人的权力。因此,你知道,我并不是   在忙于做好动物饲养工作,而是在进行心理威吓。这很有用。理查德·帕克从来不回瞪我;他的目光总是在游移,既不看着我,也不从我身上移开。我能感觉到自己  正在这一过程中取得控制权,就像我能感觉到手中的粪球。这样的训练让我因为紧张而筋疲力尽,但又很兴奋。

