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少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 100


Chapter 100

Mr. Okamoto, in his letter to me, recalled the interrogation as having been "difficult and memorable." He remembered Piscine Molitor Patel as being "very thin, very tough, very bright."

His report, in its essential part, ran as follows:

Sole survivor could shed no light on reasons for sinking of Tsimtsum. Ship appears to have sunk very quickly, which would indicate a major hull breach. Important quantity of debris would support this theory. But precise reason of breach impossible to determine. No major weather disturbance reported that day in quadrant. Survivor's assessment of weather impressionistic and unreliable. At most, weather a contributing factor. Cause was perhaps internal to ship. Survivor believes he heard an explosion, hinting at a major engine problem, possibly the explosion of a boiler, but this is speculation. Ship twenty-nine years old (Erlandson and Skank Shipyards, Malmo, 1948), refitted in 1970. Stress of weather combined with structural fatigue a possibility, but conjecture. No other ship mishap reported in area on that day, so ship-ship collision unlikely. Collision with debris a possibility, but unverifiable. Collision with a floating mine might explain explosion, but seems fanciful, besides highly unlikely as sinking started at stern, which in all likelihood would mean that hull breach was at stern too. Survivor cast doubts on fitness of crew but had nothing to say about officers. Oika Shipping Company claims all cargo absolutely licit and not aware of any officer or crew problems.

Cause of sinking impossible to determine from available evidence. Standard insurance claim procedure for Oika. No further action required. Recommend that case be closed.

As an aside, story of sole survivor, Mr. Piscine Molitor Patel, Indian citizen, is an astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of extraordinarily difficult and tragic circumstances. In the experience of this investigator, his story is unparalleled in the history of shipwrecks. Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger.



    惟     一幸存者无法使我们了解“齐姆楚姆”号沉没的原因。船只的下沉速度似乎非常快,这表明船体严重开裂。大量残骸可以支持这一理论。但是无法确定开裂的具体原     因。那天无线电导航信号区内没有报告有急剧天气变化。幸存者凭借印象对天气所做的估计是不可靠的。天气至多是导致沉船的因素之一。原因可能在船只内部。幸    存者相信自己听到了爆炸声,这说明有严重的机械问题,也许是锅炉爆炸,但这只是推测。船只寿命已有二十九年(马尔摩的厄兰森和斯坎克造船厂1948年制     造),1970年整修。天气不好加上船只结构疲劳可能共同造成了这次事故,但这只是猜测。那天在那一海域没有关于其他船只发生事故的报告,因此没有与其他    船只相撞的可能性。有可能与残骸相撞,但这一点无法证实。可能与漂浮的水雷相撞,这可以解释爆炸,但这只是设想,而且极不可能,因为船是从尾部开始下沉     的,这只能说明船体开裂也发生在尾部。幸存者对普通船员的健康有所疑问,但对高级船员没有说什么。小井科船运公司声称所有货物都完全合法,并且没有注意到   任何高级或普通船员有什么问题。


    说     句题外话,惟一幸存者,印度公民派西尼·莫利托·帕特尔先生的故事令人惊奇,表现了在极端困难和悲惨境遇面前的勇气和忍耐力。根据本调查员的经验,他的故   事在沉船历史上是独一无二的。很少有乘船失事的人能够像帕特尔先生那样生存那么长时间,没有入能够在与一只成年孟加拉虎为伴的情况下做到这一点。
