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Lord Edgware Dies人性记录24


Chapter 24

 News From Paris

On the following day we had an unexpected visit.

Geraldine Marsh was announced.

I felt sorry for her as Poirot greeted her and set a chair for her. Her large dark eyes seemed wider and darker than ever. There were black circles round them as though she had not slept. Her face looked extraordinarily haggard and weary for one so young – little more, really, than a child.

‘I have come to see you, M. Poirot, because I don’t know how to go on any longer. I am so terribly worried and upset.’

‘Yes, Mademoiselle?’

His manner was gravely sympathetic.

‘Ronald told me what you said to him that day. I mean that dreadful day when he was arrested.’ She shivered. ‘He told me that you came up to him suddenly, just when he had said that he supposed no one would believe him, and that you said to him: “I believe you.” Is that true, M. Poirot?’

‘It is true, Mademoiselle, that is what I said.’

‘I know, but I meant not was it true you said it, but were the words really true. I mean, did you believe his story?’

Terribly anxious she looked, leaning forward there, her hands clasped together.

‘The words were true, Mademoiselle,’ said Poirot quietly. ‘I do not believe your cousin killed Lord Edgware.’

‘Oh!’ The colour came into her face, her eyes opened big and wide. ‘Then you must think – that someone else did it!’

‘Evidemment, Mademoiselle.’ He smiled. ‘I’m stupid. I say things badly. What I mean is – you think you know who that somebody is?’

She leaned forward eagerly.

‘I have my little ideas, naturally – my suspicions, shall we say?’

‘Won’t you tell me? Please – please.’

Poirot shook his head.

‘It would be – perhaps – unfair.’

‘Then you have got a definite suspicion of somebody?’

Poirot merely shook his head non-committally.

‘If only I knew a little more,’ pleaded the girl. ‘It would make it so much easier for me. And I might perhaps be able to help you. Yes, really I might be able to help you.’

Her pleading was very disarming, but Poirot continued to shake his head.

‘The Duchess of Merton is still convinced it was my stepmother,’ said the girl thoughtfully. She gave a slight questioning glance at Poirot.

He showed no reaction.

‘But I hardly see how that can be.’

‘What is your opinion of her? Of your stepmother?’

‘Well – I hardly know her. I was at school in Paris when my father married her. When I came home, she was quite kind. I mean, she just didn’t notice I was there. I thought her very empty-headed and – well, mercenary.’

Poirot nodded.

‘You spoke of the Duchess of Merton. You have seen much of her?’

‘Yes. She has been very kind to me. I have been with her a great deal during the last fortnight. It has been terrible – with all the talk, and the reporters, and Ronald in prison and everything.’ She shivered. ‘I feel I have no real friends. But the Duchess has been wonderful, and he has been nice too – her son, I mean.’

‘You like him?’

‘He is shy, I think. Stiff and rather difficult to get on with. But his mother talks a lot about him, so that I feel I know him better than I really do.’

‘I see. Tell me, Mademoiselle, you are fond of your cousin?’

‘Of Ronald? Of course. He – I haven’t seen much of him the last two years – but before that he used to live in the house. I – I always thought he was wonderful. Always joking and thinking up mad things to do. Oh! in that gloomy house of ours it made all the difference.’

Poirot nodded sympathetically, but he went on to make a remark that shocked me in its crudity.

‘You do not want to see him – hanged, then?’

‘No, no.’ The girl shivered violently. ‘Not that. Oh! if only it were her – my stepmother. It must be her. The Duchess says it must.’

‘Ah!’ said Poirot. ‘If only Captain Marsh had stayed in the taxi – eh?’

‘Yes – at least, what do you mean?’ Her brow wrinkled. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘If he had not followed that man into the house. Did you hear anyone come in, by the way?’

‘No, I didn’t hear anything.’

‘What did you do when you came into the house?’

‘I ran straight upstairs – to fetch the pearls, you know.’

‘Of course. It took you some time to fetch them.’

‘Yes. I couldn’t find the key to my jewel-case all at once.’

‘So often is that the case. The more in haste, the less the speed. It was some time before you came down, and then – you found your cousin in the hall?’

‘Yes, coming from the library.’ She swallowed.

‘I comprehend. It gave you quite a turn.’

‘Yes, it did.’ She looked grateful for his sympathetic tone. ‘It startled me, you see.’

‘Quite, quite.’

‘Ronnie just said: “Hello, Dina, got them?” from behind me – and it made me jump.’

‘Yes,’ said Poirot gently. ‘As I said before it is a pity he did not stay outside. Then the taxi-driver would have been able to swear he never entered the house.’

She nodded. Her tears began to fall, splashing unheeded on her lap. She got up. Poirot took her hand.

‘You want me to save him for you – is that it?’

‘Yes, yes – oh! please, yes. You don’t know . . .’ She stood there striving to control herself, clenching her hands.

‘Life has not been easy for you, Mademoiselle,’ said Poirot gently. ‘I appreciate that. No, it has not been easy. Hastings, will you get Mademoiselle a taxi?’

I went down with the girl and saw her into the taxi. She had composed herself by now and thanked me very prettily.

I found Poirot walking up and down the room, his brows knitted in thought. He looked unhappy.

I was glad when the telephone bell rang to distract him.

‘Who is that? Oh, it is Japp. Bonjour, mon ami.’

‘What’s he got to say?’ I asked, drawing nearer the telephone.

Finally, after various ejaculations, Poirot spoke. ‘Yes, and who called for it? Do they know?’ Whatever the answer, it was not what he expected. His face dropped ludicrously.

‘Are you sure?’


‘No, it is a little upsetting, that is all.’


‘Yes, I must rearrange my ideas.’




‘All the same, I was right about it. Yes, a detail, as you say.’


‘No, I am still of the same opinion. I would pray of you to make still further inquiries of the restaurants in the neighbourhood of Regent Gate and Euston, Tottenham Court Road and perhaps Oxford Street.’


‘Yes, a woman and a man. And also in the neighbour-hood of the Strand just before midnight. Comment?’


‘But, yes, I know that Captain Marsh was with the Dortheimers. But there are other people in the world besides Captain Marsh.’


‘To say I have the head of a pig is not pretty. Tout de même, oblige me in this matter, I pray of you.’


He replaced the receiver.

‘Well?’ I asked impatiently.

‘Is it well? I wonder. Hastings, that gold box was bought in Paris. It was ordered by letter and it comes from a well-known Paris shop which specializes in such things. The letter was supposedly from a Lady Ackerley – Constance Ackerley the letter was signed. Naturally there is no such person. The letter was received two days before the murder. It ordered the initials of (presumably) the writer in rubies and the inscription inside. It was a rush order – to be called for the following day. That is, the day before the murder.’

‘And was it called for?’

‘Yes, it was called for and paid for in notes.’

‘Who called for it?’ I asked excitedly. I felt we were getting near to the truth.

‘A woman called for it, Hastings.’

‘A woman?’ I said, surprised.

‘Mais oui. A woman – short, middle-aged, and wear - ing pince-nez.’

We looked at each other, completely baffled.
