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对导航上瘾? 开车过度依赖导航有危险!

2023-11-24 15:27:12 13

The use of satnav and smartphones for directions while driving is causing the nation to drive dangerously on UK roads, according to research from uSwitch.com.

Some 78% of drivers are reliant on their satnav and smartphones for directions and advise them on the speed limit.

Over half of drivers (56 per cent) conceded that they rely on their navigation system to inform them of the legal speed limit.

对导航上瘾? 开车过度依赖导航有危险!

20% claim that their devices have caused them to drive dangerously, including going the wrong way down a one way street.

In addition, 16% of drivers keep their phone or satnav behind the steering wheel, on the passenger seat or near the gear stick.

A combination of UK driver's reliance on satnav or smartphones for the speed limit, the distracting location of the device and the potential phone handling that could incur, could land drivers with hefty fines.
