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As sunscreen ages, its sun-protection ingredients degrade, reducing its effectiveness.

Keeping a fresh bottle on hand, and using it every time you’re out in the sun, will keep you from getting sunburned and also help prevent skin cancer, the most common cancer of all.

If your sunblock doesn’t have an expiration date on the bottle for some reason, though, keep Dr. Shari Lipner’s advice in mind.


“Sunscreens are designed to last for three years,” says the assistant professor of dermatology at Cornell University’s Weill graduate school of medicine.
“防晒霜一般都有三年的保质期,” 康奈尔大学威尔医学院皮肤医学科副教授莎莉•李普诺医生指出。

“If your bottle does not have a date printed on it, write the date that you purchased it [on the bottle] and make sure to discard after three years.”

She also notes that storing your sunscreen in a hot car can degrade key ingredients, causing it to become less effective. “If the consistency seems off — runny or grainy,” she advises, “discard and buy a new sunscreen.”

And if you do end up with a sunburn this summer, don’t freak out. There are ways to treat it and reduce its more insufferable side effects.

First, get out of the sun as soon as possible. Then, take a cool shower or bath, and apply cool compresses to any burned or red areas for 10-15 minutes, four times a day.

“Aloe vera and moisturizer are soothing and will help the skin heal faster,” she says. And you can take ibuprofen to help with swelling. “If it blisters, never pop the blisters. Let them heal on their own to avoid infections。”
