伦敦又遭恐袭 梅相怒斥恐怖主义:真是够啦
3日晚,英国伦敦闹市区发生恐怖袭击事件,货车在伦敦桥上冲撞人群,随后暴徒在博罗市场下车并持刀砍人。事件造成7人死亡,48人受伤。事件发生12小时后,英国首相特蕾莎·梅在唐宁街十号发表演讲,强烈谴责恐怖主义,并表示“英国对极端主义的容忍度太高了”,是时候对恐袭说一句“够了”。她称,英国政府将采取一系列应对措施,其中包括将加强网络安全监控。 当地时间3日晚,英国伦敦遭遇连环恐袭,两个月前曾经发生在威斯敏斯特大桥上的噩梦又一次重演。而这次恐袭距离曼城A妹演唱会上发生的爆炸袭击还不到2周。 当晚,伦敦三个地点相继发生袭击事件。1辆白色货车在伦敦桥上突然高速冲撞行人,并有3名袭击者下车拿刀袭击行人,多人受伤倒地。袭击者持刀冲进伦敦桥附近博罗市场(Borough Market)的一家酒吧,袭击顾客。同时,沃克斯豪尔地区(Vauxhall)也发生伤人事件。 据警方证实,伦敦桥撞人事件和博罗市场伤人事件为恐怖袭击,目前已经造成至少7人死亡,48人受伤。 Police responded to a third incident in Vauxhall - where a man was arrested - but they later said that it is not connected. 恐袭从伦敦桥开始 At 10.08pm police responded to a call about a white van ramming into five or six people on London Bridge. The van reportedly veered off the road and drove into people on the pavement. Police are piecing together eyewitness accounts, and believe that three men got out of the van and started attacking people with knives. An eyewitness, Eric, told the BBC that he heard shouts of "this is for Allah". John Stokes, a bus tour guide, said that he and the driver counted eight people lying on the road. 袭击者进入博罗市场持刀砍人 The three men then ran down to Borough Market. They rampaged through the market, entering many pubs and restaurants to stab anyone in sight. Crowds in the bars fought back - hurling pint glasses, bottles and chairs at the attackers. 据目击者称: One woman was stabbed repeatedly, according to a man named Gerard, who was trying to drive the attacker away by hurling chairs at him. A security guard described people running away screaming from three men. He and his colleagues tried to throw chairs at the attackers, who were going in and out of different bars. 警方8分钟到场击毙恐怖分子 Within eight minutes police were on the scene and eight officers opened fire, releasing 50 rounds and killing the three attackers. Photos on social media showed two of the men on the ground. One of them, in front of the Wheatsheaf pub, had what appeared to be canisters strapped to his abdomen. Police later said that the canisters were fake. 据报道,英国警方正在对3日晚在伦敦桥及博罗市场发生的恐怖袭击事件进行调查,12名涉案嫌疑人被逮捕。 三个月三次恐袭,梅相:真是够了! 事件发生后,国际社会纷纷对恐怖分子表示强烈谴责。法国总统马克龙表示,“在今天,法国比以往任何时候都更与英国站在一起!我们的心与受害者和他们的家庭同在。”德国总理默克尔表示德国坚定地支持英国,“今天,我们要跨越恐惧和悲伤,团结在一起”。美国总统特朗普发推特表示愿意向英国提供帮助:“我们与你们同在,上帝保佑。” 英国首相特蕾莎•梅4日上午在首相府门前发表讲话,强烈谴责恐怖分子制造的暴力袭击。她说: "It is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change." Action was needed in the UK as well as overseas, she added. "While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is - to be frank - far too much tolerance of extremism in our country. 针对恐袭频发的情况,特雷莎•梅表示,英国政府将采取一系列应对措施,其中包括将加强网络安全监控。特雷莎•梅指出,近期英国连续发生恐怖袭击事件,虽然彼此之间没有联系,但可以看出,恐怖袭击正在形成一种新趋势,犯罪分子在作案方式上正在互相模仿。 May said the recent spate of attacks showed the UK was “experiencing a new trend in the threat we face”. “It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth,” she said. “Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone. "We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed – yet that is precisely what the internet, and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide. We need to work with allied democratic governments to reach international agreements to regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorism planning. " |