防约会露点尴尬 日本男士乳贴成热卖时尚单品
男士乳贴原本是长跑运动员用于防止乳头磨损的体育用品,如今却走俏日本。据《每日邮报》报道,日本运动用品零售店Dot Store称,今年已售出5.5万副乳贴,远超去年销量。乳贴在日本热销,是因为男士乳贴定位成一种时尚单品,而非运动配件 A Japanese sports shop is reporting a surge in demand for nipple covers as mammary gland concealment becomes all the rage in the eccentric Far-Eastern country. The Dot Store says nipple covers, usually used by long-distance runners to prevent chafing, are flying off its shelves, with 55,000 sets being sold so far this year. The figure far exceeds last year's sales figures, though exact numbers were not given. The Dot Store's nipple covers are adhesive, water-resistant, transparent patches similar to sticking plasters. The feat has been achieved by marketing the nipple covers as fashion items instead of sports accessories. An advertisement for the product shows a girl on a date being enchanted with her young beau when his nipples are covered but disgusted when they are seen poking through his T-shirt. In one version of events where the lad's nipples are covered, the couple end up together. But in an alternate reality where he neglected to cover his twin peaks, he ends up alone. 不止是乳贴,为了防止男性露点,日本一家公司今年3月份还推出了一款“防露点T恤”。 那么男生露点到底有多“尴尬”呢?一项调查似乎给出了答案。 2013年的一项研究显示,84%的女性不想在工作时看到男性T恤衫下凸起的乳头。 下面是女生看到男性乳头凸起时的十种反应: I can't help but feel uneasy It's gross It's like they don't care about those around them I instinctively can't accept it It bums me out They seem oblivious, even at work I don't want to associate with them They come across as unreliable They feel unhygienic I hope I never see them again |