6月27日至29日,李克强总理出席在大连举行的第十一届夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式并发表特别致辞。作为达沃斯的“老朋友”,李克强总理这是连续第5年出席夏季达沃斯论坛。 在今年的论坛开幕式致辞中,李克强总理指出,近年来,我们深入实施创新驱动发展战略,广泛开展大众创业、万众创新,来厚植社会创业创新的沃土,取得的成效超出预期。各类创新主体携手合作,线上线下良性互动,聚众智、汇众力,使创业创新的成本更低、速度更快、效率更高。 下面我们就一起来回顾一下李克强总理五次夏季达沃斯论坛致辞的要点。 第十一届夏季达沃斯论坛-大连 2017年6月27日至29日 主题:在第四次工业革命中实现包容性增长 “Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” 新华社 庞兴雷 摄 双创 Mass entrepreneurship, innovation 我们广泛开展大众创业、万众创新,取得的成效超出预期。过去三年,每天新增市场主体4万家。 China has achieved better-than-expected results in its efforts to drive mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The number of market entities in China increased by a daily average of 40,000 in the past three years. 金融风险控制 Financial risk control 我们有能力,来守住不发生系统性风险的底线。我们有足够的能力防范各类风险,确保经济运行在合理区间。 We will defend the bottom line of no systemic risks. We are capable of fending off all kinds of risks and ensuring the economic growth stays in a reasonable range. 经济全球化 Economic globalization 通过平等协商、互谅互让,寻求利益契合点和平衡点,尤其是在国际多边规则下,应一视同仁,不能将单边规则强加于人,最终实现优势互补、双赢多赢。 Based on the principal of equal consultation, mutual understanding and accommodation, as well as equal treatment without discrimination, countries must seek convergent interests and complement each other’s advantages to achieve win-win results. 第十届夏季达沃斯论坛-天津 2016年6月26日至28日 主题:“第四次工业革命——转型的力量” “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its Transformational Impact” 中国经济希望始终大于困难 Chinese economy optimistic 经济下行的压力仍然较大,困难不可低估。我们正视困难、坦承困难,恰恰表明我们有决心克服困难,有能力战胜困难,中国经济的希望将始终大于困难。 Downward pressure on the Chinese economy is still huge, and difficulty still exists. We faced and undertook difficult tasks, showing that we have the determination to overcome it. Chinese economy is more about hope than difficulty. 新动能 New driving engines 面对持续较大的经济下行压力,我们没有搞“大水漫灌”式的强刺激,而是创新宏观调控方式,大力推进结构性改革,着力培育新动能,改造提升传统动能。 Against the downward pressure, we did not take strong stimulative measures. Instead, we adopted new macro-control measures, pushed forward structural reform, and tried to create new growth engines while upgrading the traditional ones. 假以时日,异军突起的新动能必将撑起未来中国经济的新天地。 As time goes by, new growth engines are emerging, which will surely support the future economy in China. 共享经济 Sharing economy 共享经济也是众创经济,它可以让人人参与、人人受益,有利于形成合理的收入分配格局,为每个人都提供平等竞争的机会,壮大中等收入群体,也让每个人都有发挥自己潜能的机会,去追求人生的价值,促进社会公平正义。 The sharing economy means crowd innovation. Everyone can take part in it and benefit from it. It helps establish a reasonable pattern of income distribution, provide equal opportunities, expand the middle-income group, help each person realize the potential and promote social equity and justice. 中国是负责任的大国 China a responsible country 产能过剩是一个全球性的问题,我们将主动采取行动去产能,这本身就表明中国是负责任的大国。 Overcapacity is a global issue, and we will take active measures to cut production capacity, which in turn shows China as a big responsible country. 携手共进 Joint efforts 在全球化的大背景下,各国都不可能离开世界经济环境去谈本国的发展,所以需要携手共进。 Amid globalization, it’s impossible for any country to talk about domestic development while disconnecting from the global economic environment. We should join our hands to go forward. 第九届夏季达沃斯论坛-大连 2015年9月10日至12日 主题:“描绘增长新蓝图” “Charting a New Course for Growth” 经济稳定的基本面没有改变 Economy remains stable 前期采取的一系列政策措施正在逐步见效,经济中的积极因素在增多,经济稳定的基本面没有改变。 The government has taken effective measures to counter economic slowdown. Meanwhile, positive factors are increasing to support a stable economy. 经济增长有韧性 Economic growth is resilient 中国经济的支撑具有很强的抗冲击能力和韧性。当前,中国人民正在为实现到2020年全面建成小康社会的宏伟目标而奋斗,这也必将凝聚起强大的社会力量。 China’s economy is highly resilient and can endure any possible impact. The Chinese people are striving toward a well-off society, a great goal by 2020 that will summon strong social cohesion and power. 中国是世界经济增长动力源之一 China remains a powerhouse for world economy 当然不可忽视的是中国还有7000多万贫困人口,但确实有相当多的人已经进入中等收入群体,有着巨大且快速增长的消费需求。中国不是世界经济风险之源,而是世界经济增长的动力源之一。 Although more than 70 million people are still living in poverty in China, the nation already has a large middle-income group with increasing consumption capacity. China is not a source of risk but a powerhouse for global economic growth. 政府不唱“独角戏” Government needs partners 推动大众创业、万众创新,需要全面、可及性强的公共产品、公共服务供给。 Mass entrepreneurship and innovation require comprehensive and available public products and services supported by structural reform. 在这方面,也要靠结构性改革。政府不唱“独角戏”,鼓励社会资本、外商投资一起干。 In the process, the government should encourage participation from private and foreign capital. 中国开放的大门将越开越大 Continue opening up 中国改革的过程是不断扩大开放的过程,也是不断融入世界的过程。我们将继续努力把中国打造成为世界上最具吸引力的投资目的地。 China’s reform is a process that requires continuous opening-up and integration with the world, and the government will make every effort to make the country the most attractive destination for global investment. 第八届夏季达沃斯论坛-天津 2014年9月10日至12日 主题:“推动创新创造价值” “Creating Value Through Innovation” 全面深化改革 Deepening comprehensive reform 我们将继续深化行政管理体制改革,力争用更短的时间完成取消和下放行政审批事项的五年任务,释放市场潜能和发展动力。 China will continue to deepen administration reform and cancel unnecessary approvals within five years. The ongoing administration streamlining will unleash the potential of the market and inject vitality to economic growth. 大众创业,万众创新 Mass entrepreneurship and innovation 中国经济每一回破茧成蝶,靠的都是创新。我们将提倡大众创业,万众创新,释放中国人民的潜力。 Innovation supports China’s economic growth, and the government will advocate mass entrepreneurship and innovation to unleash the potential of the Chinese people. 更关注结构调整 More focus on economic restructuring 在国际国内经济出现新常态下,我们更加关注结构调整等问题,并不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。 Under the new landscape of the domestic and global economy, China will pay more attention to economic restructuring rather than to short-term fluctuations in some indexes. 各国间不应再是“零和博弈” No zero-sum game among nations 各国间应该是双赢多赢、互利共赢,唯此世界才能繁荣进步。中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,我们是国际体系的积极参与者、建设者和贡献者。 Global prosperity needs win-win and beneficial cooperation among different nations. China will firmly stay on the peaceful road of development and become an active participant of and contributor to the international system. 开放公平的全球统一大市场 Open, fair and unified international market 我们倡导开放公平的全球统一大市场,支持多边自贸安排和双边自贸区建设“两个轮子一起转”,努力形成“面向全球的高标准自贸区网络”,反对各种形式的保护主义,更不赞成打贸易战。 China advocates an open, fair and unified international market, and supports bilateral and multilateral free trade zones. China is committed to building a high-level network of free trade zones and against all types of protectionism, as well as trade wars. 第七届夏季达沃斯论坛-大连 2013年9月11日至13日 主题:“创新势在必行” “Meeting the Innovation Imperative” 中国将保持可持续稳定发展 China to keep sustainable, steady growth 只要我们咬定长远目标不放松,解决眼前问题不懈怠,中国这艘经济巨轮就一定能够乘风破浪,扬帆远航。中国经济一定能保持长期持续健康发展! As long as we stick to long-term goals and resolve immediate problems, the Chinese economy will certainly keep sustainable, steady growth, just as a huge wheel sets course. 让改革和发展的成果惠及人民群众 Reform and development to benefit people 未来中国经济增长必须以提高质量和效益为前提,必须以资源节约和生态环保为支撑,必须以科技创新和技术进步为动力,必须是有就业保障和居民收入相应增加的增长。也就是说,让改革和发展的成果惠及最广大的人民群众。 China’s future economic growth must be based on higher efficiency and better quality, with resource conservation and ecological protection. It will also be powered by innovation in science and technology, and secure employment and people’s income. In other words, results of reform and development should benefit the majority of our people. 中国愿意更多参与国际治理 More participation in international governance 中国有句古话:“君子成人之美”。只有美人之美,才能美美与共。 As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “A gentleman is always ready to help others attain their goals.” We believe that only by helping each other can we all attain our goals. 我们愿意更多参与国际治理,尽可能提供国际公共产品;与其他发展中国家分享减贫经验,提供更多帮助;为全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长分担责任作出贡献。 We are ready to take a more active part in international governance and do our best to contribute to international public good. We are ready to share our poverty reduction successes and offer more assistance to fellow developing countries. We will share the responsibility contribute to a strong, sustainable and balanced world economy. |