阿黛尔或永别巡演 这位音乐女王用20句话鼓励无数棉花糖女孩
6月28日,阿黛尔在伦敦温布利球场举办了演唱会,到场观众多达98000人,打破了温布利球场的观众人数纪录。然而演出结束后,阿黛尔发表了一封长信,表示巡演并不适合自己,可能再也不会巡演了,所以把最后一场秀放在家乡伦敦。她在信中写道: "Touring is a peculiar thing, it doesn't suit me particularly well...I might never see you again at a live show. Who knows? But I will remember this for the rest of my life." 对于这番言论,阿黛尔的歌迷们可能并不意外。这已经不是她第一次表达自己对巡演模式的“抵触”。今年3月,在新西兰奥克兰举办演唱会时,阿黛尔就在现场表示,这很可能是她的“最后一次”巡演。 从《21》到《25》,阿黛尔用歌喉征服了无数粉丝。不再巡演意味着能听她现场的机会将越来越少,不少歌迷们对此表示遗憾,有网友称:“太难过了,还没来得及去看一次她的现场”。不过,相信多数人都能理解她的决定,因为阿黛尔在信中说: "I'm a real homebody and I get so much joy in the small things. Plus, I'm dramatic and have a terrible history of touring. Until now that is!"
"I will always write music and I will always put it out. And I hope that you're always here." 也许阿黛尔未来真的会告别巡演舞台,但是喜欢阿黛尔的歌迷不会忘记,那个歌喉动人的舞台王者,那个在访谈或演唱会上幽默自嘲、放声大笑,甚至夹杂几句脏话的豪爽大姐大。
1. "Be brave and fearless to know that even if you do make a wrong decision, you're making it for a good reason." 2. “I don't date celebrities. I ain't f-----g Taylor Swift.” 3. "I've never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that." 4. "If a man whistles at you, do not respond. You are a lady, not a dog." 5. “When I was eight, I wanted to be 12. When I turned 12, I just wanted to be 18. Then after that I stopped wanting to be older. Now I'm ticking the 16-24 boxes just to see if I can blag it.” 6. "I'd rather have lunch with my friends than go to a gym."
8. “I flung the middle finger. That was for the suits at the Brit Awards, not my fans. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but the suits offended me.” 9. “The only person I'm afraid of is myself.” 10. "Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be sad, in order to move forward." 11. "It sounds obvious, but I think you only learn to love again when you fall in love again." 12. "No matter what you look like, the key is to first of all be happy with yourself."
14. "I don't want to go on a diet, I don't want to eat a Caesar salad with no dressing, why would I do that? I ain't got time for this, just be happy and don't be stupid. If I've got a boyfriend and he loves my body then I'm not worried." 15. "I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me." 16. "Life is so much easier when you don't hoard your past." 17. "A lot of people try to be brave and not shed a tear. Sometimes when you know someone else feels as s----y as you do, or approaches things in a certain way just like you do, it makes you feel better about yourself." 18. "There's only one of you, so why would you want to look like anyone else? " 20. "I'm ballsy. I have guts. I'm not afraid of anyone. I think that's what makes me feel powerful." |