庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年大会8月1日上午10时在人民大会堂举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席大会并发表重要讲话。 习近平主席在讲话中高度赞扬了革命战士不怕苦、不怕牺牲的精神,还专门介绍了革命战士们的“三个不相信”的英雄宣言(heroic declaration of "three don't believes"): 在革命战士面前,不相信有完不成的任务,不相信有克服不了的困难,不相信有战胜不了的敌人! Revolutionary soldiers don't believe in missions that couldn't be completed, they don't believe in difficulty that couldn't be overcome, and they also don't believe in enemies that couldn't be conquered. 习近平主席讲到下面这句话的时候,全场立即爆发长时间掌声。 “我们绝不允许任何人、任何组织、任何政党、在任何时候、以任何形式、把任何一块中国领土从中国分裂出去,谁都不要指望我们会吞下损害我国主权、安全、发展利益的苦果。” We will never allow anyone, any organization or any political party to split any part of Chinese territory out of the country at any time, in any form. No one should expect us to swallow the pains of compromising our national sovereignty, security and development interest. 下面,我们用中英双语对照的形式,回顾一下习近平主席讲话的要点。大家可以一边了解我们人民军队的光荣历史和发展进程,一边学习英语。 习近平主席首先在讲话中回顾了90年前,南昌城头一声枪响,拉开了我们党武装反抗国民党反动派的大幕。 1927年8月1日,南昌城头一声枪响,拉开了我们党武装反抗国民党反动派的大幕。这是中国共产党历史上的一个伟大事件,是中国革命史上的一个伟大事件,也是中华民族发展史上的一个伟大事件。 On August 1, 1927, a gunshot in Nanchang marked our resistance against the Kuomintang reactionaries. This is a great event in the history of the CPC, of China's revolution, as well as of development of the Chinese nation. 自那时起,中国共产党领导下的人民军队,就英勇投身为中国人民求解放、求幸福,为中华民族谋独立、谋复兴的历史洪流,同中国人民和中华民族的命运紧紧连在了一起。 90年来,人民军队历经硝烟战火,一路披荆斩棘,付出巨大牺牲,取得一个又一个辉煌胜利,为党和人民建立了伟大的历史功勋。 For 90 years, the people's army has gone through wars and difficult times, making great sacrifices in exchange for more and more glorious victories, helping the CPC and people achieve great historical merit. 以鲜血和生命为建立人民当家作主的新中国奠定了牢固根基,彻底扭转了中华民族近代以来落后挨打的被动局面。 The people's army used their lives to set a solid foundation for the new China where people became their own masters. The people's army also reversed the Chinese nation’s backwardness in the modern history, which made it vulnerable to foreign invasions. 为巩固新生人民政权、形成中国大国地位、维护中华民族尊严提供了坚强后盾。 Their victory was also a strong support to the new people’s regime, China’s status as a big country and Chinese nation’s dignity. 为维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,为维护我国发展的重要战略机遇期,为维护地区和世界和平提供了强大力量支撑。 Their dedication serves as a strong support to the CPC leadership and our socialist system, to the defense of the national sovereignty, security and interests, to our national development in an important period of strategic opportunities, as well as to regional and world peace. 人民军队一路走来,紧跟党和人民事业发展步伐,在战斗中成长,在继承中创新,在建设中发展,革命化现代化正规化水平不断提高,威慑和实战能力不断增强。 人民军队已经由过去单一军种的军队发展成为诸军兵种联合的强大军队,由过去“小米加步枪”武装起来的军队发展成为基本实现机械化、加快迈向信息化的强大军队。 The people's army has grown from a single-service force into a force with multiple branches, and has transformed from a "millet plus rifles" force to one that has basically completed mechanization and is moving rapidly toward a strong informationized armed force. 习近平主席在讲话中缅怀了老一辈军事家和革命家以及为中国人民解放事业和社会主义建设事业而英勇献身的人民军队革命烈士们。 他们的丰功伟绩,永远镌刻在中华民族史册上! Their outstanding merits will always be remembered by the history. 他们的牺牲奉献,永远铭记在中国人民心中! Their sacrifices and dedications will also be remembered by the Chinese people. 习近平主席代表党中央、国务院和中央军委,向战斗在保卫祖国、建设祖国各个岗位上的人民解放军指战员、武警部队官兵、预备役军人和广大民兵,致以节日的祝贺!向为中国革命、建设、改革事业作出重大贡献的人民军队离退休老同志,表示诚挚的问候!向在各个时期为人民军队建设作出贡献的转业退伍军人、革命伤残军人和烈军属,表示诚挚的慰问!向在国防科技工业战线顽强拼搏的科学家、工程技术人员和广大干部职工,致以衷心的感谢!向长期以来关心和支持人民解放军建设的全国各族人民,致以崇高的敬意! 接着,习近平主席回顾了90年来人民军队在实践中形成了治军原则和优良传统。 90年来,在长期实践中,人民军队在党的旗帜下前进,形成了一整套建军治军原则,发展了人民战争的战略战术,培育了特有的光荣传统和优良作风。这是人民军队从胜利走向胜利的传家法宝,是人民军队必须永志不忘的红色血脉。 The People’s Liberation Army has been moving forward under the banner of the Communist Party of China during a series of practices over the past nine decades. The army has formed its own principles of army building and governance, developed strategies and tactics for people’s war, and cultivated specific fine tradition and exemplary conduct. The people’s army should forever bear those cherished heritages in mind as they have helped them win a succession of victories. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了中国共产党领导的伟大力量。 The succession of victories of the people’s army has demonstrated the great power of the Party’s leadership. 历史告诉我们,党指挥枪是保持人民军队本质和宗旨的根本保障,这是我们党在血与火的斗争中得出的颠扑不破的真理。 From our history we can see that the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s army guarantees the army’s nature and responsibility of root. This is an irrefutable truth which came from the Party’s arduous struggles. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了理想信念的伟大力量。 The succession of victories of the people’s army has also demonstrated the great power of aspiration and faith. 历史告诉我们,革命理想高于天,人民军队之所以能够攻坚克难、战无不胜、发展壮大,关键是人民军队有马克思主义理论武装,有崇高理想信念,有为理想信念而英勇献身的崇高追求。 From our history, we can see that revolutionary aspiration is the most noble one above all. The key factor helping the people’s army gather ground, overcome all those difficulties, and defeat all those fights is its mind armed with Marxism theories, its noble aspiration and faith as well as determination, and dedication to pursue them. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了改革创新的伟大力量。 The succession of victories of the people’s army has also demonstrated the great power of reform and innovation. 历史告诉我们,改革创新、与时俱进,是人民军队不断发展的康庄大道,人民军队的力量来自改革创新,人民军队的胜利来自改革创新。 From the history, we can see that reform and innovation featuring advancement with the times is the bright road for the development of people’s army. Reform and innovation contribute to the power and victories of the people’s army. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了战斗精神的伟大力量。敢于斗争、敢于胜利,一不怕苦、二不怕死,是人民军队血性胆魄的生动写照。 The succession of victories the people's army has won has also demonstrated the great power of fighting spirit. The army's courageous and upright characteristics have been vividly portrayed by their courage to fight for victory or having no fear for suffering and death. 历史告诉我们,战争不仅是物质的较量,更是精神的比拼。没有顽强的意志,没有敢于牺牲的品质,再好的武器装备也不能保证胜利。 From the history, we can see that war is not only a contest in terms of material, but also one concerning spirit. Victory can never be guaranteed without a strong will, and the spirit of fearing no sacrifice, no matter how superior the weapons and military equipment are. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了革命纪律的伟大力量。 The succession of victories the people's army has gained has also demonstrated the great power of revolutionary discipline. 历史告诉我们,加强纪律性,革命无不胜。一支军队的力量,不仅要看其人数,不仅要看其武器装备,还要看其纪律性。一支没有纪律的军队,只能是乌合之众。 From the history, we can see that the army will win all battle in revolution as long as the discipline is strengthened. The power of an army should not be judged by only its scale, weapons and equipment, but also its discipline. An army without discipline is nothing but a disorderly mob. 人民军队从胜利走向胜利,彰显了军民团结的伟大力量。 The succession of victories the people's army has won shows the great strengthen of the army and people. 历史告诉我们,有了民心所向、民意所归、民力所聚,人民军队就能无往而不胜、无敌于天下。 History tells us that our troops will conquer all as long as they are supported by the people. 人民军队的历史辉煌,是鲜血生命铸就的,永远值得我们铭记。人民军队的历史经验,是艰辛探索得来的,永远需要我们弘扬。人民军队的历史发展,是忠诚担当推动的,永远激励我们向前。 The brilliance of the people's army was built by blood, which will always be on our mind. The historical experience of the PLA is gained through hardships and should be carried forward by all of us. Loyalty pushed the army forward before and will always keep us moving forward. 回顾完历史,习近平主席总结了党的十八大以来,人民军队在反腐败、国防和军队改革以及从严治军方面取得的一系列成就。 经过5年努力,人民军队实现了政治生态重塑、组织形态重塑、力量体系重塑、作风形象重塑,人民军队重整行装再出发,在中国特色强军之路上迈出了坚实步伐。 Through five years hard work and efforts, the PLA realized the restructuring of the political ecosystem, organization, strength and style. The army starts all over again, with brand new appearance and move steadfastly toward a stronger army. 同时指出: 站在新的历史起点上,我们更加深切地感受到,中华民族走出苦难、中国人民实现解放,有赖于一支英雄的人民军队;中华民族实现伟大复兴,中国人民实现更加美好生活,必须加快把人民军队建设成为世界一流军队。我们要不忘初心、继续前进,坚定不移走中国特色强军之路,把强军事业不断推向前进。 Standing on the new historical point, we feel stronger the importance of the heroic army to lead people out of pain and liberate people. We should build out a world-class army to help rejuvenate the Chinese nation and make people's lives better. We should remember where we started in the first place, keep moving forward, stick to strong armed force with Chinese characteristics, and push the army career to higher levels. 推进强军事业,必须毫不动摇坚持党对军队的绝对领导,确保人民军队永远跟党走。 In order to build a strong armed force, we must stick to the principle that the Party maintains absolute leadership over the army and make sure the armed forces always follow the Party. 推进强军事业,必须坚持和发展党的军事指导理论,不断开拓马克思主义军事理论和当代中国军事实践发展新境界。 In order to realize strong armed force, we must stick to and develop the Party's military guide theory, improving the military theory of Marxism and the development of modern military practices in China. 推进强军事业,必须始终聚焦备战打仗,锻造召之即来、来之能战、战之必胜的精兵劲旅。 In order to advance the course of strong armed force, we must focus on combat readiness, and build up a strong military force that can fight and win in battles and wars. 推进强军事业,必须坚持政治建军、改革强军、科技兴军、依法治军,全面提高国防和军队现代化水平。 To strengthen the army, we must uphold the right political wills, deepen military reforms, revive the army with technology, govern the army according to law, and raise the level of national security, and modernize the army in all aspects. 推进强军事业,必须深入推进军民融合发展,构建军民一体化的国家战略体系和能力。 To build a strong army, we must carry out integrated military and civilian development and build a national integrated military and civilian strategic system and capability. 推进强军事业,必须坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,始终做人民信赖、人民拥护、人民热爱的子弟兵。 To build a strong army we must always be committed to the fundamental principle of serving the people wholeheartedly. We must stand side by side with the people so as to be trusted, supported and loved by them. |