A hilarious video shows a teenage girl hauling away a 'naughty' child on live TV. The little kid was apparently messing around behind broadcaster Jim Delahunt as he previewed the racing in Hamilton, Scotland, on Saturday. He refused to co-operate with a girl who was trying to get him away from the cameras and instead opted to stay lying down on the ground. However, his moment in the spotlight was over when the girl decided to take decisive action and drag the boy away by his feet and out of the shot. Wearing pink trousers and a grey top, she tried to lift the little boy by the shoulder and walk across the grass. Footage - which has since gone viral - showed the young boy suddenly appear in the shot, closely followed by the girl. User uptowngorillaz said: "Thanks for the funniest 8 seconds of my life." The post has been retweeted on Twitter nearly 2,000 times and received over 3,800 likes. |