German police are searching for a cyclist who filmed a dying man after a road accident instead of going to his aid. Police say the cyclist could be prosecuted for failing to assist the 29-year-old who had crashed his motorbike into a lamp post. He was later pronounced dead at the scene of the accident in Heidenheim near Ulm in southern Germany. 事发前,29岁的摩托车驾驶员多次违章超车。在国道19号的一个路段上,他驾驶的摩托车打滑,先是撞向了护栏,最后又猛烈地撞上了一个路灯,导致身受重伤。 德国的“见死不救”罪 在德国,从今年5月底开始,如果遇到事故、险情或紧急情况,可以施救但拒绝施救者——尤其是在不会给本人来带危险以及不会与其他重要责任构成冲突时,可处以一年以下监禁或罚款,这就是“见死不救罪”。 The cyclist, who is thought to be in his early 20s, filmed the aftermath of the accident on his mobile phone and continued to do so when an ambulance crew arrived. When medical staff complained that he was hampering their work, he refused to leave or stop filming. He fled just before police arrived. Police said the case served to highlight the problem of “gawpers”, or “gaffers” as they are known in Germany, who slow down or stop their vehicles to film accidents on their phones, often publishing pictures or videos of them on social media. In July, German rescue services said gawpers had impeded their access to victims of a bus crash in Bavaria and speculated that they may have reached them sooner had drivers, who were concentrated on capturing the scene on their mobile phones, not failed to open a corridor to allow their emergency vehicles through. Eighteen people died in the ensuing blaze. The cyclist involved in Sunday night’s incident was caught on a motorist’s dash cam, and police are now trying to track the cyclist down using the footage. 埃森“见死不救”案宣判 去年秋天,在埃森市一家银行,一位83岁的老人在自动取款机前突然昏厥倒地。之后,先后有4人从他身边经过,但是没有一个人出手相助。近日,当地法院宣布了对这几个人的判决处罚。 Police said surveillance camera footage showed four people walking past or over him as he lay on the floor. The fourth person faces separate proceedings. Only after about 20 minutes did another customer call emergency services. The man was taken to a hospital but died a few days later. The Essen district court handed the defendants, a woman and two men, fines ranging from 2,400 to 3,600 euros. “见死不救”的心理因素 The German psychologist Wolfgang Krüger said the “gaffer” phenomenon was nothing new, but had been given a new lease of life thanks to smartphones. “Sensation-seeking is the simplest way to bring a bit of excitement into one’s life,” he told the Hamburger Morgenpost. The thrill factor is only heightened when photos or film footage are posted online, he said. |