为了保障交通安全,各国政府可谓绞尽脑汁,除了人形路桩外,还有不少脑洞大开的设计,有些让人忍不住点赞,而有些确定不是来搞笑的吗?下面一起来看看各国为维护交通安全采取了哪些另类的措施吧。 'Fake' speed bumps After a successful trial in 2014, 'fake' speed bumps have cropped up in 45 London locations. The 'bumps' are actually not bumps at all, but instead 2D optical illusions painted onto the road, designed to slow oncoming drivers. Another trial in 2016 showed that the bumps reduced the average speed of cars by 3mph, nine months after installation. Don't pop the balloon (or run over the kid)
The image of a girl chasing a balloon was installed near a primary school, as a reminder to drivers that unexpected objects can appear in the road at a moment's notice. The urban crop circle
This cobbled brick junction was designed to put a doubt in the mind of oncoming drivers, who will slow to negotiate the junction. “No one has seen anything like it before, but as long as it’s not misleading people dangerously, then it’s perfectly acceptable to experiment with it,” said road safety expert Richard Owen at the time. White lines are red lines
The theory is that white lines provide a psychological feeling of confidence to drivers. Take those lines away and you're left with a sense of unease, hence the slower speeds. Ewe really shouldn't speed On average, three people die every day on country roads - so road safety organisation Think! came up with the idea of painting sheep with messages to encourage drivers to slow down when navigating winding lanes. Looking ahead Samsung are currently testing a 'safety truck' that shows drivers behind what's in front, via a 'window' of TV screens. |