恋爱中,两人浓情蜜意,你已经带他/她见过了你的亲戚朋友,但对方却迟迟不带你出现在社交圈里。不管他/她有多少理由还是借口,你都要提高警惕了,ta有可能这是在“隐瞒恋情”。 随着“ghosting”、“breadcrumbing”等恋爱名词的出现,恋爱已经成了社交雷区。 Ghosting:突然中断与交往对象的所有联系,好似人间蒸发,即“不辞而别”。 Breadcrumbing:向多个异性发出暧昧短信调情,但没有深入发展的打算,即“玩暧昧”。 而时下,恋爱中又一有害的新趋势出现了:隐瞒恋情(stashing)。 据英国《都市日报》报道,stashing的意思是指你已经带交往对象见过自己的家人朋友,而对方却迟迟不带你去见其家人或朋友。 如果你刚好中枪了,那可要提高警惕了,因为这很可能意味着对方不想与你长期发展。
'Most likely it's because you're being played a bit. They could be someone who doesn't think of you as a long-term prospect, or they don't think you're special enough to have brought you into their circle of friends.' However, she says that there could be some legitimate reasons why they haven't introduced you to their friends and family yet, in the early stages of a relationship. 'It could be just that they're comfortable with your friends, and haven't been bothered to introduce you to theirs yet', Jo explained. 'Or they're worried that you won't like their friends'. But she says that you should definitely question them on why they've not introduced you yet, if they've already met your friends. 'They might say something like "my friends are crazy, you won't like them", but you can always ask to meet one or two of their friends, or their friends who are in relationships,' she said. If they still won't agree to let you meet them after discussing it, then alarm bells should be ringing. Jo said: 'There are ways to head it off at the pass, but the question will resurface again as you move into the next phase of your relationship. 'You'd start to question what kind of person they are and why they're not introducing you to their friends. You'd get an instinct that something isn't right.' |