健身专家、维京行动最新服务项目Beyond Movement的策划人蒂姆•莱特说: “Exercise won’t just help keep you slim, it’s also an important step to fighting the effect of ageing and improving your mental and physical. Working out regularly has multiple health benefits at any age but becomes increasingly important as we get older.” “锻炼不光能帮助你保持苗条身材,还是抗衰老、改善心理和身体健康的重要方法。定期锻炼对各个年龄段的人而言都有多重健康益处,而且年纪越大,锻炼越重要。” 那么我们在不同的年龄段该有的健康状态是什么样的呢?莱特给每个年龄段的人都制定了自查单。一起来看看吧。 20多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Run 5km in 30 minutes Do 20 burpees in a row Hold a full plank for one minute 30分钟内跑完5000米 一连做20个波比运动 做一分钟的平板支撑 注:Burpee(中文音译为"波比"),它是一项无氧运动,结合了深蹲、俯卧撑及跳跃一连串的动作。 30多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Run a mile in less than 9 minutes Hold a plank for 45 seconds Deadlift more than 50 percent of your bodyweight 9分钟内跑完一英里(约1.6公里) 做45秒钟的平板支撑 硬拉起相当于自身体重一半的哑铃或杠铃 40多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Sprint for 60 seconds without stopping Do 10 press-ups without stopping Touch your toes comfortably with straight legs 不停歇地快跑60秒钟 一连做10个俯卧撑 伸直双腿时能轻松地够到脚趾头 50多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Run at a moderate pace for 60 seconds without stopping Do five burpees without stopping Lower yourself into a cross-legged position on the floor without using your hands, and then return to standing 以中速不停歇地跑60秒钟 一连做5个波比运动 不用手就能坐到地板上把腿盘起来,然后从地板上站起来 60多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Regularly take more than 10,000 steps in a day Do 12 bodyweight squats without stopping Touch your fingertips with one hand over your shoulder and the other behind your back 每天走路超过1万步 一连做12个深蹲 一只手背在身后,另一只手的指尖能过肩 70多岁的时候,你应该能做以下这些事: Walk a mile in less than 16 minutes Climb a flight of stairs with 10 steps in under 30 seconds comfortably Rise to stand from a chair without using your hands or arms, and repeat at least 12 times in 30 seconds 16分钟内走一英里 在30秒钟内轻松爬完一段10级台阶的楼梯 不用手扶就能从椅子上站起来,在30秒钟内重复此动作至少12次 |