首先来揭秘我国军粮的庐山真面目。目前,我国野战食品经历了三代的进化,可以简单粗暴地分成基础版、升级版和豪华版。 第一代 China's first generation of field rations were composed mostly of hardtack with side dishes such as canned pork luncheon meat, mixed meat or diced pork.
The second generation introduced instant rice and instant noodles, while also adopting flexible packaging to make them easier to carry.
The latest generation of field rations are self-heating. Just pour 100ml of water into the bag and the food is hot and ready to eat in 15 minutes. 下面带大家仔细研究一下现在我军投入使用的自热食品餐谱。 餐谱1:什锦炒饭、酱油炒饭、鲜脆黄瓜、速溶饮料 餐谱2:香焖米饭、雪菜肉丁炒饭、辣椒酱、速溶饮料
As we all know, Chinese and western eating habits are essentially different. In China, most people prefer starchy food, while in the West diets tend to contain more protein and fat. Within China, southerners love to eat rice but northerners prefer noodles, both of which can be found in the country's field rations.
Military rations also need a longer shelf life, so that they are still edible once they reach their intended recipients. This can take anywhere from a few months to more than a year, making it imperative that they are long-lasting. 目前我国已经研制出最新的17单兵自热食品啦! 这次的口粮升级,不光对炒饭炒面等传统餐谱进行了革新,还引入了主食、副食分开的加热方式,同时配合多种调味酱、小菜、巧克力、能量棒等,光是听着就已经忍不住流口水了。 看完了中国的,我们来看看其他国家的军用口粮是怎样的? 美国 大家都知道美国的绰号是“山姆大叔”,但是很多人还不知道山姆大叔的原型,其实是位军粮供应商。 美英战争时期,有一位叫山姆•威尔逊的肉类包装商向美国军队供应牛肉,为人热情诚实,被称为“山姆大叔”。 1812年,纽约州长参观山姆大叔的加工厂时,问盖在桶上的U.S.(United States的缩写)是什么意思。一个工人开玩笑说是“山姆大叔”(Uncle Samuel的缩写恰好也是U.S.)。从此,山姆大叔声名大噪,并被美国民众当做自己的代表。 The current standard-issue field ration of the United States military is known as the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). One pack is the equivalent of one meal. The MRE's packaging is designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the elements. Inside each MRE bag is an entree and a variety of other food and drink items. In addition to standard field rations, the US military also provides customized ration packs for people with special dietary requirements such as vegetarians, Muslims and Jews. 随着美军的多民族化,成员的口味和饮食习惯也变得越来越复杂,越来越不愿意啃数十年如一日的MRE,他们称这是“反人类”的食品。 日本 作为一个“感觉自己萌萌哒”的国家,“萌”可以说是日本的一张文化名片,而日本自卫队的军用口粮也保持了“萌”风。
The Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force has two kinds of field rations. The first, known as Type I Combat Rations, are canned and have a long shelf life. The cans contain rice, meat, hard biscuits, vegetables and the like.
韩国 炸鸡啤酒、烤五花肉、海带汤、炒年糕……这些年韩剧带火了一大批韩国美食。
The preferred field ration in South Korea is similar to the Type II Combat Ration, though there are not as many menu options. Menu 1, for example, includes fried rice with kimchi, kimchi soup, three bags of seasoning and a bag of Maltesers. Menu 3, meanwhile, contains an extra bag of glass noodles.
俄罗斯的军队口粮也是极具“战斗民族”特色,餐谱中肉、鱼、蛋、黄油、香肠和乳酪的比重较高。每人每天能吃到的肉量达到250克,一名士兵一年内能吃掉约92公斤的肉。 Russian military rations are distinctive in that they still contain cigarettes, which are not commonly found in other country's rations anymore. The cigarettes are free for soldiers, though officers need to pay for them. Each soldier receives 12 cigarettes per day as standard, while officers can have 20 per day. Soldiers who do not smoke receive 300g of sugar instead. 2013年,俄总统普京签署了“史上最严禁烟法”,俄国防部也取消了对义务兵的免费香烟供应,从而终结了俄军这一延续近百年的传统。 |