“打嗝不是病,不停真要命”,你知道怎么快速制止打嗝吗?这里有一个不用喝水、也不用承受惊吓的方法。你只需要在深吸一口气的同时,吞咽两次,然后从鼻子呼气。事实上,我们的身体里还隐藏了很多类似的小秘密,只要你发现这些秘密,就可以解决很多困扰你的小毛病,比如便秘、流鼻血、打喷嚏等等。 1. Stop a sneeze in its tracks by pressing down on the area right above your upper lip. While most of the time you should just go ahead and sneeze, you can definitely use this trick when you're, like, meeting your idol or saying your wedding vows. 2. Make pooping easier by elevating your knees and feet, so you're in a squatting position.
不会使用蹲便的外国友人为此还专门发明了便便神器(其实就是小马扎),双脚踩在上面模仿蹲姿。如果你也有这方面的困扰且家里是坐便的话,可以尝试一下哦~ 3. When you get a brain freeze, press and hold your tongue up to the roof of your mouth.
这种因食用冰冷食物而造成的急促性头痛在英语中被称为brain freeze或ice-cream headache,俗称冰激凌头痛,学名为翼腭神经节疼痛(sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia)。 为什么会出现这种症状呢?是冰激凌太凉,冻坏了脑子吗?其实这和冷冻食物对口腔的刺激有关: The roof of your mouth gets cold, which causes immediate constriction of the blood vessels. As soon as those blood vessels constrict, your body reacts by trying to dilate them very quickly in order to get more warm blood to the area and heat it up. Pain receptors in the roof of your mouth send a message up to your brain telling you you've got something bad going on in the roof of your mouth. And it causes you to experience an intense headache in your forehead. 一旦出现冰激凌头痛,可以喝一杯热饮,或者用舌头来温暖上颚,疼痛就会得到缓解。 4. Read a paragraph or so of sentences backwards, and you might be able to touch your toes.
5. Lie on your left side to help prevent bedtime heartburn after you eat a big meal.
Several studies have found that sleeping on the right side aggravates heartburn; sleeping on the left tends to calm it. The reason is not entirely clear. One hypothesis holds that right-side sleeping relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, between the stomach and the esophagus. Another holds that left-side sleeping keeps the junction between stomach and esophagus above the level of gastric acid. 6. Stop a nosebleed by leaning your head forward a little, then pinching your nose in a specific spot for five minutes.
这样鼻血就止住啦~ 7. To calm down when you're feeling extremely nervous, put your thumb in your mouth, close your lips, and try to blow out air, letting your cheeks puff up.
8. When you accidentally burn your tongue on hot coffee or tea, swish with very cold water (but don't suck on ice).
You generally don't need to seek medical attention for a mouth burn from hot foods or drinks. The first thing you should do is swish with cold water to reduce heat in your skin and decrease swelling. In the following days you should stick to a soft, bland diet and keep your mouth clean. 9. To quickly cure your hiccups: Deeply inhale, hold it, swallow twice, then exhale through your nose.
Those flaps are called the "tragus" — by holding it in, you block out a lot of the peripheral sounds, making it easier to hear the person right next to you. |