I.e.和e.g.是书面英语中常见的拉丁文缩写,你知道它们的全拼和含义吗?事实上,即使在以英语为母语的国家,i.e.和e.g.也是人们最经常弄混的一对缩写。 I.e.和e.g.傻傻分不清楚?没关系,下面《纽约时报》畅销书作家、“语法女王”蜜妮安•福格蒂(Mignon Fogarty)就和同学们好好聊聊二者的区别。 I.e.和e.g.啥意思? I.e. and e.g. are both abbreviations for Latin terms. I.e. stands for id est and means roughly "that is." E.g. stands for exempli gratia, which means “for example.” "Great. Latin," you're probably thinking. "How am I supposed to remember that?” 如何记住两者的区别 Forget about i.e. standing for "that is" or whatever it really means in Latin. From now on, i.e., which starts with i, means “in other words,” and e.g., which starts with e, means “for example.” I = in other words. E= example. 注意事项 Don't italicize i.e. and e.g.; even though they are abbreviations for Latin words, they've been used for so long that they're considered a standard part of the English language. Also, remember that they are abbreviations, so there is always a period after each letter. A comma is usually used after i.e. and e.g. 福格蒂认为,使用i.e.和e.g.时应该在后面加逗号。她查阅了六本书写规范指南,其中有五个都推荐这种用法。
1. The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior (i.e., coming to work late, failing to complete projects). 2. Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc.) 3. The general rule is that if a number can be expressed in three words or fewer, it should be written out (e.g., two hundred seventy). 4. Use a comma to enclose (i.e. both before and after) the year in a month-day-year sequence. 以上四句话都不准确。 第一句中,应该用e.g.而不是用i.e.,因为括号里的内容是对“irresponsible behavior”的举例。 第二句中,意思是正确的,但是不应该在句末使用etc.,因为e.g.本身就暗示这只是一部分例子。 第三句中,e.g.不应该使用斜体。 第四句中,通常来说,i.e.和e.g.后面都需要加逗号。 以上4句话的正确表达如下: 1. The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior (e.g., coming to work late, failing to complete projects). 2. Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.g., organization, clear expression, logical thinking). 3. The general rule is that if a number can be expressed in three words or fewer, it should be written out (e.g., two hundred seventy). 4. Use a comma to enclose (i.e., both before and after) the year in a month-day-year sequence. 除了i.e.和e.g.,书面英语中还有不少的拉丁文缩写,我们整理了一些常见缩写的含义及用法,供大家学习。 缩写:etc. 缩写:ca. 缩写:cf. 缩写:id.