网飞公司购入《白夜追凶》海外发行权 外国网友也可以追剧啦
Netflix reached a deal to distribute a popular detective drama series produced by Youku, which is owned by China internet giant Alibaba. The US entertainment giant unveiled a deal Thursday with Youku, for worldwide rights outside of China to Day and Night, a 32-episode detective drama series. 《白夜追凶》是王伟执导的中国首部硬汉派悬疑推理网剧,由潘粤明、王泷正、梁缘等主演。该剧讲述了刑侦支队队长关宏峰为了洗脱弟弟关宏宇的杀人罪名,一路破获多起案件的故事。 自今年8月30日播出以来,《白夜追凶》口碑爆棚,豆瓣评分超过9.0,该剧男主角潘粤明还通过在剧中精湛的演技迎来事业第二春。 Critically praised and commercially huge in China, the show has generated more than four billion views on Youku since its local online premiere on Aug 30.
Netflix will distribute the episodes to more than 109 million subscribers in 190 countries and regions. "We are proud to partner with Netflix in this ground-breaking distribution agreement," said Yang Weidong, president of Youku, Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Group. "The cultural industry is undergoing robust growth in China, and I believe the export of high-quality content will help people around the world gain a better understanding of the soft power of China." Last April, Netflix sold the local streaming rights to a batch of its originals to Beijing-based video service iQiyi. 敢和美剧公开叫板,《白夜追凶》到底有多牛?
Day and Night, widely reckoned as the best crime drama of the year. 这部剧从剧情、演员、配乐、剪辑等各方面都堪称完美,所以能取得这么好的口碑和成绩也就不奇怪了。
编剧指纹的律师从业背景也使得故事的可信度和逻辑感大大提升。 Audiences are fascinated by the complicated yet watertight storylines weaved by playwright Zhi Wen, a former litigator with years of law practice. 《白夜追凶》是典型的国产刑侦剧。 Day and Night is a 32-episode Chinese webdrama that follows a detective on a mission to clear his brother of murder charges and also crack all sorts of cases along the way. 哥哥关宏峰是原刑警支队队长,因为不相信弟弟关宏宇是一起灭门案的通缉犯而与领导闹翻辞职,并开始暗中追查幕后真凶。 但到底是谁嫁祸了弟弟呢?第一季的结局会给你一个大跌眼镜的答案。
此外还有各种夸张的连环杀人案一起接着一起,非常高能。 但最最最最高能的是潘粤明一人饰双胞胎哥哥和弟弟两角,虽然脸长得一样,但是你却能轻易地分辨出两人谁是谁。
《白夜追凶》总制片人袁玉梅也说: "We created Day and Night to echo the features of American TV series. The fast-paced narrative and carefully designed visual language attracted many fans that are into US TV dramas." 不拿观众当傻子,案情发展永远若隐若现地吊着人们的胃口,同时还穿插了很多犯罪冷知识。 剧中,单元剧破案进程快得像美剧;而主线为弟弟洗清嫌疑寻找真相的过程,又像英剧,抽丝剥茧。 外国观众有眼福了! |