时光飞逝,不管你相不相信,80后如今已经迈入中老年群体。 The bureau, in Liangshan county, has advertised for "seniors" to play in a soccer tournament. Anyone age 35 or over may apply. Don't giggle if you're a part of the post-90s generation! There's a good chance that you too might soon have a midlife crisis and start going bald. 近日,“第一批90后已经秃了”的话题登上微博热搜。如今,秃头不再是中年大叔们的专属哀伤,90后也悄悄打响了“发际线保卫战”。 忧伤的90后网友表示,还没脱单,就开始脱发了。 不过,最近一群韩国科学家表示,他们或许找到了解决脱发烦恼的方法。 今天你脱发了吗? 如果你不确定自己是正常掉发,还是有脱发迹象,可以对照下面的描述: For men, thinning hair usually starts with either a receding hairline or thinning at the crown of the head. Women begin to notice thinning hair around their part, as it gradually becomes wider.
头发,你为何离我而去 A survey once found that about 200 million people suffer from some sort of hair loss in China. 看着自己日渐明显的“地中海”,你可能会问:我的头发为啥越来越少。
这种脱发男女表现形式还不一样,男性一般从发际线往后脱,女性则是弥散性地脱。 Androgenetic alopecia occurs when a hair follicle sheds, and the hair that replaces it is thinner and finer than what was there previously. The hair follicles continue to shrink and eventually hair stops growing altogether.
拿什么拯救你,我的发际线!? 脱发的同学为了拯救自己的发际线,可谓尝试了各种办法,比如生姜洗发粉、防脱洗发水、生发梳,但效果往往一般。 那么脱发真的没得救了?最近一群韩国科学家表示,他们或许找到了解决脱发烦恼的方法。
科学家发现当一种叫做CXXC5的蛋白质与散乱蛋白结合时,它们会阻遏Wnt (一种复杂的蛋白质作用网络,与毛发再生和伤口愈合有关) 信号通路,从而影响毛囊生长及再生秩序。 A new biomaterial developed by the team interferes with this binding process. It's called PTD-DBM, and when applied to the bare skin of bald mice for 28 days, new follicles developed. 而根据2007年的一项研究,在小鼠实验中,某些情况下,直径超过5毫米的伤口在愈合时会产生新的毛囊。 The strongest result that Kang-yeol's team saw was after combining wound-induced hair neogenesis with PTD-PBM and valproic acid, usually used to treat seizures, bipolar, schizophrenia and migraines. In this instance it was used topically to activate the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. So there's a threefold action. The wounds induce the generation of follicles; the valproic acid stimulates the cell pathway linked to the development of follicles; and the PTD-PBD inhibits prevents CXXC5 from interfering with the follicular development process. New treatments often take time to develop, not least because they need to go through clinical trials to determine their safety - and, as we know, using mouse models to study how well things might respond in humans doesn't always work. Nevertheless, the team's research is progressing apace. They're currently testing their new substance on animals to determine whether it's toxic, before proceeding to human trials. 如果这个方法真的可行,那简直就是秃头人士的福音啊! |