加拿大正在召唤你。那里有令人神往的时尚都市,还拥有世界上最美丽宁静的风光,未来几年将吸纳100万新移民。你还在等什么呢? 新西兰也是个不错的移民去处。在世界的另一头,这个国家也在向爱漂泊的外国人招手,尤其是建筑工人,如果你正好善于干泥瓦活儿,新西兰最适合你。 让我们来盘点一下最适合移民的国家,希望能对你有所帮助。
Austria 奥地利 Let’s start with the home of the world’s most liveable city, Vienna, according to Mercer’s Quality of Living index, which takes into account a number of factors, including economic and political environment. The Austrian capital has taken top spot for the last eight years in a row. However, a different survey into the same subject, found Melbourne, Australia, to be the most liveable city, with Vienna in a close second. 生活成本最低的移民国 India 印度 It’s no secret that Austria is not cheap, so where should expats on a more of a budget head to? India, of course, the cheapest country in the world, according to Numbeo’s cost of living survey, which analysed the price of everything from food and drink to taxi fares. It's also home to more World Heritage sites than anywhere else on earth - 32. Nepal, however, came out as the cheapest for restaurant meals and apartments. 最友好的移民国 New Zealand 新西兰 You’ll be after new friends once you’ve moved, so setting up shop in a sociable country is advisable, which brings us to New Zealand, the nation with the highest “social capital” score. Not only is New Zealand the best country in the world, according to Telegraph Travel readers, it boasts the highest score in terms of strength of personal relationships, civic participation and social network support, according to the Legatum Prosperity Index. 最地广人稀的移民国 Greenland 格陵兰 If you want to just get away from it all - and we really mean all - then head to Greenland (owned by Denmark) where the population density is a hefty 0.0 people per square kilometre. The world’s largest island is home to around 56,000 people, meaning that a population around the size of west Devon (an area of 448.3 square miles) inhabits an area of 836,330 sq miles. This vast land, which has been inhabited for around 4,500 years, has mountainous shorelines, long summer days and jewel-blue fjords. If Greenland’s not your bag, the Falklands (second most sparsely populated) and Mongolia (third most) might be of more interest. 最安全的移民国 Finland 芬兰 If you’re into Father Christmas, the Northern Lights and the Arctic Circle, but also a big fan of personal safety, perhaps this Scandinavian country is for you? According to the World Economic Forum, Finland is the safest country on the planet, while its Scandi neighbours also make the top 20 - Norway in seventh and Sweden in 16th. Second behind Finland is the UAE and Iceland. For those who want safety but aren't too keen on the cold, the UAE offers a perfect alternative. 最幸福的移民国 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 The Happy Planet Index ranks the world’s states according to how cheery the population is and though Norway is the highest ranked European country, it comes in a fairly unimpressive 12th place overall. For those after pure, unadulterated joy should instead try moving to Costa Rica, in first place, or maybe Mexico in second. Or how about Colombia, the third happiest place on the planet?
Iceland 冰岛 There are dozens of other reasons why Iceland may be your choice for emigration, but if you’re struggling to make up your mind, maybe the fact that the island nation boasts the best gender equality in the world, ahead of Norway and Sweden, will sway you. 移民去哪个国家最难? Austria, for one. The home to the world's most liveable city also has pretty strict rules on immigration. If you are coming from a non-EU country, you must be in one of six groups of people, largely based on your career. Shortage occupations include roofers, nurses and, rather obscurely, "milling machinists". Even then, that only entitles you to a 24-month pass. Japan, too, is not easy. Despite relaxing its laws on who can get in, in response to a higher demand for workers with advanced skill sets, Japan still requires applicants to meet a number of criteria. Once you have a work visa, prepare to stay a number of years depending on your skills before becoming a permanent resident. Moving to the US is no walk in the park either. Without an employer or family to help you along your way, you'll need to rely on your "extraordinary ability" to acquire a green card. |