你有多久没吃方便面了(instant noodles)? 小时候,再穷也要每天买包干脆面,因为不能辜负刚集到一半的水浒英雄卡。 出门坐火车,到了饭点就掏出方便面,开水一冲,热气糊满了眼镜,车厢里顿时香飘四溢。不到十分钟,满满一碗滋溜下肚,要是能加根肠(ham sausage)、来包榨菜(pickle)就香到心坎里了。 饥肠辘辘的夜晚,在寝室边吃泡面边刷剧,吃完面再嘬几口汤,既能填饱肚子,又能温暖孤独的灵魂。 出了国也要带几包方便面,因为对于远在他乡的留学党来说,一碗泡面能吃出家的感觉。 的确,方便面开袋即食,有烟火气,是80、90后居家旅行必备单品。 英国广播公司(BBC)最近也操心上了中国的方便面,称之为“终极方便食品”。 Easy to make and cheap to buy, instant noodles have long been China's ultimate convenience food. Be it a snack for students, a meal on the train, or just the go-to choice for hungry workers, more than 46.2 billion packets were sold in China in 2013. 说到这,文章笔锋一转:然而到了2016年,中国方便面的销量却骤减(tumble)。 But by 2016 those sales had tumbled to 38.5 billion packets, according to the World Instant Noodle Association. That's a drop of almost 17%. 该报道称,世界其他区域的市场上,方便面销量基本稳定,所以这是一个很不寻常的现象。 双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)仔细想了想,吃泡面好像真的成了久远的回忆,好怀念那熟悉又陌生的味道。 这一有意思的现象已经引发了多家媒体报道: 《商业内幕》:中国农村经济发展导致方便面销量下降 《南华早报》:外卖是什么?中国人网上点餐更多,方便面吃得更少 —— 研究人员称消费者更注重营养价值,不仅仅是填饱肚子 《缅甸时报》:中国的发展扼杀了方便面产业 从标题中似乎看出了方便面销量下降的端倪,下面我们就仔细分析下BBC的报道,看看他们给出的原因。 1. 消费者想要更好的食物 BBC认为,方便面在中国销量大幅下跌,一个重要因素是中国消费者对饮食的期望正在不断提高。(One factor in the slump could well be that some Chinese consumers are upping their expectations in the dining department.) BBC援引中国日报的报道说: "The decline of instant noodle sales shows a shift in China's consumption patterns," said Zhao Ping of the Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade," he told the China Daily. "Consumers are more interested in life quality than just filling their bellies these days." 你有没有发现,进餐已经不仅仅是追求“饱腹”,而是一种享受生活的方式。 如今,分享“网红店”、晒“网红饮料”变成了朋友圈新时尚。秀色可餐的食物(food porn)琳琅满目、五花八门,成为社交媒体上一道风景线。 不好看的食物怎么能好吃。 除了颜值,大家对食物也有了更“个性化”的追求,开始选择更健康、更营养、更走心的食物。说到底,是我们的生活水平大幅提高了。 2. 人口迁移:农村劳动力正在返乡 Until 2014 the number of rural Chinese who had moved to cities had been on the rise. But that trend has now reversed for two consecutive years (and is expected to keep doing so when the 2017 data comes out). Last year 1.7 million fewer migrant workers lived in cities than in 2015, which quite plausibly could be eating into noodle sales. 几十年前,农民工人背井离乡,到城市寻求谋生的机会。他们生活拮据,希望能多攒点钱,寄给远方的亲人。节衣缩食成为无奈的选择,一顿饭凑乎一口就过去了。 BBC文章称,理论上来说,方便面的一大消费者之一是外来打工者(migrant workers): They are away from home, often living in cramped conditions with limited cooking facilities, and keen to save as much money as they can to send back to their families. 而近几年,农村经济崛起,越来越多农民收入增长,外出务工不是唯一的致富途径,城市也不再是农民工人们唯一的选择。更多人可以留在家乡建设自己的家园。 3 出行:基础设施改善,生活习惯改变 中国“新四大发明”(new four inventions)已经享誉世界了:高铁、移动支付、网购、共享单车。 居于四大发明之首的高铁的速度约250公里/小时,大大缩减了人们旅途的耗时。 Chinese trains and stations have improved. Journeys are quicker, and the range of food options are far more international - meaning noodle sales on the railways have fallen. 以前,乘坐火车时感觉道路漫漫,从西至东动辄耗时三五天,于是很多人在路途中靠方便面饱腹。 高铁的普及使得行程缩减为短短几个小时,乘客们不必在车上充饥了。 此外,坐飞机的人也越来越多了…… And then there is the boom in aviation as middle class Chinese people spend billions flying on domestic and international holidays instead of using trains. 4 外卖:另外一种“快餐” About 730 million people in China now have access to the internet according to government figures. And about 95% of those are using smartphones to connect. And apps that offer food delivery to your home, office or wherever you happen to be are a real boom industry. 如果你问远在国外的小伙伴们最缺什么,“外卖”无疑是高票回答之一了。 足不出户,只需要轻轻动动手指,花费几十元和半个小时,就算是深夜也能享受到美味,甚至可以拥有在朋友圈“放毒”的特权。这可是国外小伙伴们和外国友人们享受不到的待遇呀! 有了这样方便快捷的美味,方便面的“方便”就不再是个独一无二的优势了。 这四点原因看下来,觉得还蛮有道理的。 不过,如果你还是放不下泡面,时不时想吃一碗,但又担心不健康,那么下面我们给大家介绍泡面的5种健康吃法,好吃到爆,要不要试一试? 泡面的5种健康吃法 ➀ 培根鸡蛋泡面 ❶ In a small pot, add the chicken broth, a few pieces of sliced tomato, water, chili paste and 1/2 of the flavor packet, and bring to a gentle simmer for 5-7 minutes. Taste and adjust to your liking. Remove from heat. ❷ Bring water to a boil. Add the noodles, separating them with chopsticks as they soften, about 3 minutes. Drain immediately and place into serving bowl. ❸ Carefully pour soup over noodles and garnish with bacon, tomato slice, scallions, nori and sesame oil. Cut the boiled egg in half and gently place on top of noodles. Serve immediately. ➁ 奶酪黄油泡面 ❶ Bring a pot of water to boil and add noodles. Boil 1 minute, or 1 minute 15 seconds. ❷ Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Spray a little oil and toss them around. ❸ Heat butter in a large saucepan on medium heat and add flour to make a roux. Cook about a minute. ❹ Pour in the milk and cook until it becomes frothy and thick, stir occasionally. ❺ Reduce heat to low and gradually add cheese. Add chili paste and salt and stir until cheese is melted. ❻ Increase heat to medium to medium/low and add noodles. Cook until heated through, about 1-2 minutes. Add milk a tablespoon at a time if you want the sauce to be looser. ➂ 韩式香辣干拌泡面 ❶ Cook the noodles for about 3 minutes. Drain the noodles and run water over them. ❷ Combine the spicy Korean chili seasoning, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar and honey. Whisk to mix thoroughly, then toss with the noodles. ➃ 沙拉干脆面 ❶ In a large bowl mix together cabbage, carrots, onion, chicken, and almonds. ❷ Remove the seasoning packets from the ramen noodle packages and set aside for use in the dressing. Place noodles in a large ziplock bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Add the noodles to the bowl with the cabbage. ❸ Mix dressing ingredients — vegetable oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, white sugar, chicken flavored ramen seasoning packages — together. ❹ Pour desired amount of dressing over salad and toss to combine. Serve immediately. ➄ 风味炒面 ❶ Whisk the sauce ingredients — rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, brown sugar, minced garlic, minced ginger — together in a bowl and set aside. ❷ Bring a medium pot of water to boil over high heat, and cook the noodles according to package directions. ❸ Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large wok over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add the garlic, ginger, mushrooms, broccoli, and peppers, and saute for about a minute. ❹ Add the scrambled egg, if using, and stir until it's mostly set up. Mix in with the vegetables. ❺ Add the noodles. Drizzle the sauce over the stir fry, plus a big pinch of cilantro, and mix well. ❻ Garnish with scallions and more cilantro before serving. 馋了没?赶紧自己动手做一碗香喷喷的泡面吧…… |