说起数字货币,大家基本上都会首先想到“比特币(Bitcoin)”。 但你知道除了“比特币”之外,世界上还有一种叫“狗狗币(Dogecoin)”的数字货币吗? 没错,就是那个Doge,大家所熟知的表情包元祖…… “狗狗币”标志: 据福布斯网站报道: This cryptocurrency just reached a $2 billion market capitalization this weekend. Dogecoin doubled its market capitalization over the past two weeks. According to Coinmarket, Dogecoin has since cooled to about $1.7 billion after hitting its fresh all-time high. 看到这里,你可能会忍不住怀疑人生,一个狗头表情包竟然“身价过亿”?
虽然“狗狗币”的命名来源于网络流行表情包Doge,但人家的确是一种正儿八经的数字货币,据维基百科介绍: Dogecoin was created by programmer Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon, who hoped to create a fun cryptocurrency that could reach a broader demographic than bitcoin. In addition, he wanted to distance it from the controversial history of other coins, mainly bitcoins. 虽然马库斯想创造一种更好玩,更能吸引人的数字货币,不过当时他并没有什么好的想法。 而与此同时,悉尼Adobe公司销售部员工杰克逊•帕默尔(Jackson Palmer)在推特上发了一条推文,调侃2013年最火的两件事,比特币和Doge表情 “是时候投资‘狗狗币’了,这肯定是下一个大事件。”
After receiving several mentions on Twitter, Palmer purchased the domain dogecoin.com and added a splash screen, which featured the coin's logo and scattered Comic Sans text. Markus saw the site linked in an IRC chat room, and started efforts to create the currency after reaching out to Palmer.
Dogecoin is a fun, new and rapidly growing form of digital currency. This form of digital currency is called "cryptocurrency". Cryptocurrency is completely anonymous, decentralized, and extremely secure. Dogecoin is used with a wallet on your computer, your smartphone, or a website. You can use it to buy goods and services, or trade it for other currencies (both other cryptocurrencies or traditional currency like US dollars). Like other cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin can be mined or purchased on exchanges. 2013年12月,“狗狗币”上线后,在国外论坛网站红迪网的助力下,其用户呈现爆发式发展,曾一度成为了世界第二数字货币。
在国外特别是美国小费文化很盛行,但是打赏比特币却太贵了。所以便宜的“狗狗币”受到了欢迎。在互联网上,你可以通过“狗狗币”对自己喜欢的内容进行打赏,类似给网络主播送小礼物,但是“狗狗币”没有平台壁垒,全球通用且快速到账。目前脸书和推特的部分应用已经支持“狗狗币”打赏。 过去两年,“狗狗币”的价值一直起起伏伏,没有亮眼的表现。直到2017年末,忽然之间,其价格一路暴涨。 福布斯网站分析,此次“狗狗币”市值突然飙升,是因为未搭上“比特币”暴涨热潮的投资者将目标瞄准了“狗狗币”。 Investors who missed out on bitcoin's rapid rise are looking for cryptocurrency alternatives. FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is driving investors to seek other cryptocrrencies that haven't experienced the same explosive growth that Bitcoin and Ethereum have. |