President Emmanuel Macron on Friday joined calls by bakers for France's traditional baguette to be recognised as one of the world's cultural treasures on UNESCO's list of "intangible heritage". The call came after the art of Naples' dough-twirling pizza makers was given the nod by the UN cultural body's World Heritage Committee in December. 听说这一消息后,法国面包师们坐不住了,既然那不勒斯披萨都可以入选“非遗”,为什么法棍面包就不行呢? 关于法棍面包,你需要知道的: 法式长棍面包的配方很简单,只用面粉、水、盐和酵母四种基本原料,通常不加糖,不加乳粉,不加或几乎不加油,小麦粉未经漂白,不含防腐剂。在形状上、重量上也统一为每条长76cm,重250g,还规定斜切必须要有5道裂口才标准。 法棍面包的特色是表皮松脆,内心柔软而稍具韧性,越嚼越香,充满浓郁的麦香味。 食用方法:伸出左手捉住长棍,五指钳紧,然后右手跟进,卡住面包的尽头,再然后左手下旋,右手上旋,将面包拧下来。 "The baguette is envied around the world. We must preserve its excellence and our expertise, and it is for this reason that it should be heritage-listed," Macron told a group of master bakers at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris. Dominique Anract, the head of the national confederation of baking and pastry, earlier said the "marvellous" baguette, made of flour, water, salt and yeast, should "have its rightful place" in world heritage. Along with the Eiffel tower, the baguette is one of the main symbols of France, Anract told a local radio station. 安拉克特希望法棍面包入选“非遗”的一个重要原因是为了保护传统法棍的品质,阻止大超市和便利店销售不达标的法棍面包。 “当你看到超市中的面包质量时,你不可能不生气。”安拉克特告诉英国广播公司记者,超市中的面包是冻过的,一部分来自罗马尼亚和其他地方,完全没有按照工艺制作。他担心如果不采取行动,“50年后就没人能做出正宗的法棍了!” 法国1993年通过一项法律,规定传统法棍面包只能由小麦面粉、水、酵母和盐这四种配料制成,且不能冷冻保存或含有防腐剂。 "The baguette is part of daily life in France and the bread has a special history," Macron said. "It's a morning, midday and evening tradition for the French. "I know our bakers, they saw the Neapolitans succeed in getting their pizza classified under UNESCO world heritage, and they said why not the baguette -- and they're right!" 很多法国民众对总统的表态感到欣喜。他们认为,法棍在世界上已经享有很高声誉,如果能成为世界非物质文化遗产,对“法国制造”而言是件好事。一位民众说:“头上戴顶贝雷帽,胳膊夹根法棍,这就是法国人的形象。法棍若成为世界非物质文化遗产,我们会更加自豪。” 你也许知道法棍面包历史悠久,但是你知道法棍面包的来历吗? 法棍面包的起源要从法国大革命说起。法国大革命的一大成果就是面包平均分配。1793年的公约中有一条法令规定面包师必须给所有人制作同样的面包,否则将被判入狱。法棍因此应运而生。刚开始的时候法棍长40公分,重300克,而今天的法棍长76公分,重250克。法棍作为巴黎的产物是费了一定的时间让乡下人接受的。那时的农民更喜欢能填饱肚子并且能保存一个星期的面包。而法棍保质期很短暂,才一天而已。懂行的人甚至会告诉你它烤好后的一个小时之内才是最佳食用时间。 It will certainly take some time before the French baguette joins Belgium beer and Neapolitan pizza-making on the Unesco list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Naples’s launched its bid in 2009 before making the list in 2017, almost a decade later. “It will be a long process,” Anract conceded, “but this is a very important issue for bakers, French people and our country’s reputation.” 事实上,一种美食要进入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,不仅要色香味俱全,还要能代表当地的饮食文化和传统,尤其是其制作过程要能体现人与人之间的感情交流。联合国教科文组织要求申报主体能反映一个民族的精神内涵以及一个区域的人文情感。土耳其咖啡、法国大餐、地中海美食、日本和食(传统日本料理)以及韩国泡菜都因其独特的地域文化特色而榜上有名。 |