“海陆空”回家难 海口上演真实版“人在囧途”
As the weeklong Chinese New Year holiday comes to an end, a halt of ferry services across the Qiongzhou Strait due to heavy fog created lengthy traffic jams, obstructing more than 10,000 cars that were leaving the southern China region. As of Wednesday afternoon-the last day of the holiday-vehicles remained lined up for thousands of meters near three ports in Haikou, Hainan province. The Qiongzhou Strait links Guangdong province with Hainan province, and the ferry service is the only way to drive to and from the island. According to a statement posted on Sina Weibo by the Haikou government publicity office, ferry services stopped on Monday and resumed on Tuesday. By 11 am on Wednesday, ferries had carried 32,583 cars and 145,225 people leaving the island since service resumed, it said. By Wednesday afternoon, all services had resumed, but stranded cars continued to crowd roads near three ports in Haikou, the statement said. The government has also asked the city's civil servants to join with volunteers in providing essential services to stranded passengers. 滞留的车辆占据了海口市的部分主干道,为确保广大旅客安全顺利出岛,保障市民群众出行顺畅,2月21日晚海口市发布紧急调休通知,初七放假,初十上班。 “雾锁”琼州海峡,上万辆过海车辆积压导致交通拥堵,而被返程一族寄予厚望的航班机票却一票难求,不仅价格飙升至万元以上,就连中转票也分分钟抢购一空。 比如平时海口飞广州机票价格只有几百元,行程约一小时。而22日某个海口飞广州的航班在运城中转,票价9990元,耗时15个小时。 你试过从海口飞深圳,花2万买机票在哈尔滨中转吗?来体验一把。 海口飞北京更是一票难求。朋友圈纷纷晒出各路返程攻略。比如,从境外中转……2月23日从海口出发至北京仅剩少量中转航线的机票,机票价格最低也要8640元,而从境外中转价格要低一半。 Hainan, known for its tropical climate and clean air, is a popular destination for Chinese tourists during the Lunar New Year holiday. During the weeklong Spring Festival in 2017, the province received 5.15 million tourists, according to the provincial tourism bureau. Traffic jams in Hainan are a snapshot of peak tourism nationwide during the Spring Festival travel rush. According to the Ministry of Transport, 82 million trips were made on Tuesday, up by 2.87 percent year-on-year, as people began returning to their workplaces from their hometowns. Railway passenger numbers were also expected to be up substantially. Some 11.8 million passenger trips were expected to be made on China's rail network on Wednesday, up by 7.6 percent year-on-year. The railway system will add 1,091 trains to meet travel demand, according to China Railway Corp. Beijing Capital International Airport, China's busiest air transport hub, was expected to handle 1,679 flights-283,000 trips-on Wednesday. As of Tuesday, the airport had handled 33,500 flights, or 5.44 million trips, during the holiday travel rush. An estimated 2.98 billion trips are expected to be made during this year's 40-day Spring Festival period, which runs from Feb 1 to March 12, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. Some 389 million rail trips, 65 million air trips, 46 million boat trips and 2.48 billion road trips are expected to be made during the travel rush. |