While a Hermes handbag or a pair of Christian Louboutin heels might require some serious saving, a Chanel lipstick lets a woman experience luxury with a lot less expense. 一个爱玛仕的包包或者是一双克里斯提·鲁布托的红底高跟鞋可以把你不少的积蓄一扫而空,那一只香奈儿的口红也能给女人们带来奢侈体验,而且完全不会让你囊中羞涩。 According to a DBNDate report, the post-95 generation is becoming the main buying force for cosmetics in China, and premium cosmetic brands are becoming more and more important to the China market. 根据DBNDate的报道,95后成为中国化妆品市场消费的主力军,高端美妆品牌越来越重视中国市场。 
What were the big hits in the world of high-end beauty in 2017? We rank the different approaches among the leading players, with European luxury brands still selling conventional anti-aging products in ultra-glamorous packaging, while Asian brands have shifted their focus to younger demographics with a lighter luxury style of natural beauty products. 一起来看看哪些大牌在2017年让我们惊鸿一瞥。我们罗列了这些大牌的产品和宣传手段。当欧洲奢侈品牌还在卖着百年不变、包装华丽的抗衰老产品时,亚洲的品牌转向了年轻的消费者开卖轻奢自然的美妆产品了。 1. Chanel香奈儿 The French brand is known for iconic red lipsticks, and this Christmas, Chanel launched a feast of red. The Numeros Rouges collection (225 RMB) is highlighted by four limited edition red lipsticks, each of which is placed in a “rare red-lacquered click case”. The all-red theme successfully catered to Chinese customers’ tastes, earning the nickname of “中国红” (China red) on Chinese social media. In July 2017, actress Liu Shishi (刘诗诗) was enlisted to promote Chanel’s makeup lines. 法国品牌以其标志性的口红为人熟知,香奈儿发布了一系列不同颜色的口红。其中最抓人眼球的Numeros Rouges 系列内含4支限量版口红(分别是Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet(色号2 & 3)和CHANEL Rouge Allure(色号1 & 4)),单价225人民币,而且这些口红配有“限量版的红色壳子“。这种全红系列非常迎合中国顾客的喜好,被戏称为“中国红”。2017年7月,演员刘诗诗成为香奈儿美妆产品的代言人。 2. Dior迪奥 If red is classic Chanel, classic Dior is gold — another color favored in China. For their 2017 holiday collection, Dior added five limited edition shades to the Diorific lipstick line (350 RMB), each of them packaged in what Dior calls a “jewel-like gold case”, which resembles two conjoined light bulbs. In addition to the novel-looking case, the lipstick itself is an unconventional crayon shape. The DiorificKhol holiday edition features a long-lasting formula, which is marketed as a “powder lipstick.” This year, actress Wang Luodan (王珞丹) joined the Dior campaign with ads set in the south of France. 如果红色是香奈儿的经典,那么金色就是迪奥的经典——金色是中国消费者青睐的另一种颜色。2017的圣诞套装,迪奥发行了5只限量款的口红(单价350元),都包装在“宝石般闪耀的金色口红壳”中,形状看起来就像两只连接在一起的灯泡。除了创意十足的口红壳,里面的膏体就像一只不同寻常的蜡笔。迪奥的限量版面世时宣传采用粉末合成的持久配方。今年,迪奥的广告新晋女演员王珞丹,广告海报在法国南部拍摄。 3. Guerlain娇兰 Guerlain released two new shades this Christmas. The 2017 limited edition Rouge G (480 RMB) follows the conventional design of Rouge G de Guerlain, the most luxurious lipstick collection from Guerlain, but with a gold and black case instead of the original silver. Guerlain paid big money in 2017 to have Yang Yang (杨洋), Wang Ziwen (王子文), and Fan Bingbing (范冰冰), who have reputations as great beauties and coveted brand ambassadors, represent the brand. 娇兰为圣诞季推出了两款新色。2017年的限量版Rouge G是在传统的Rouge G上推出的,是娇兰口红产品中精品中的精品。娇兰在2017年花大价钱请到了杨洋、王子文、和公认的女神范冰冰为产品形象大使,为其产品进行宣传。 4. LANCOME兰蔻 Three new shades, nude red, orange red, and mauve red, were put into LANCOME ’s L’absolu Rouge collection (270 RMB, including a mini lotion and perfume) with a case specially designed for the 2017 holiday season. Based on the original L’absolu collection’s sleek black and gold case, the holiday edition has sparkling, golden-flake shading from the top down. The actress Liu Tao(刘涛) joined LANCOME’s Spring Festival campaign at the beginning of 2017 to promote the brand. 兰蔻LANCOME’s L’absolu Rouge collection加入了三款新色,分别是,裸色,橙红色和紫红色配有为2017圣诞季特别设计的壳子。基于原来黑色和金色经典包装,这次的壳子加了金色的亮片,还做了从金色到黑色的渐变效果。演员刘涛会成为兰蔻在春节的宣传明星,自2017年初刘涛就代言了该品牌。 5. Estee Lauder雅诗兰黛 In 2017,Estee Lauder launched Re-Nutriv, the skin care collection that contains black diamond truffle extract, which is believed to have anti-aging and skin sculpting properties. A 25ml Re-Nutriv essence costs a whopping 3,800 RMB. The collection is packaged in gold embellished with silver and black. Besides the company’s primary brand ambassador Mi Yang (杨幂), Estee Lauder engaged several other celebrities from various fields, such as Olympic diving gold medalist GuoJingjing (郭晶晶). 2017年雅诗兰黛就推出了白金级奢宠焕采臻白精华(Re-Nutriv)含黑松露精华,具有抗老化和重塑皮肤的功效。25毫升的精华液售价高达3800元人民币。包装瓶体是金色的,饰有金色和黑色。除了该品牌原来的形象大使杨幂意外,同时还请到了其他领域的明星,比如奥林匹克的跳水冠军郭晶晶。 6. Helena Rubinstein赫莲娜 Unlike other premium cosmetic lines, Helena Rubinstein did not rush to launch a limited edition line in China. Instead, its Christmas set includes a full size 50ml Re-Plasty day and night cream (3,480 RMB). The Re-Plasty line features anti-aging and self-repairing cosmetics. The pure black or white colored bottles convey a more understated sense of luxury. JiaJingwen (贾静雯) is the brand’s ambassador in China, though they also cooperate with a wide range of beauty bloggers. 和其他高端品牌不同,赫莲娜没有在中国地区推出节日限量版,取而代之的是,50毫升的活颜修护舒缓霜,售价在3480元。这款产品主要针对抗老化和自我修复。全黑或是全白的产品包装瓶在奢侈护肤品中,显得十分低调。中国地区的品牌宣传者是贾静雯,同时他们也和不少美妆博主合作。 7. Shisheido资生堂 In 2017, inspired by the philosophy of Japanese traditional cuisine, Shisheido launched a new line of skin care products called Waso. The name is derived from Wasoku, a traditional Japanese cuisine, that advocates the selection of fresh ingredients and minimal use of seasoning to enhance the flavor of the food itself. The packaging of the Waso line is simple, standing out from the flashier efforts of other brands. As an “entry-level line”, Waso shows rare dedication to attracting younger consumers. In 2017, Shisheido had two Chinese ambassadors: Huang Xuan (黄轩) and Tang Yan (唐嫣). Gao Yunxuang (高云翔) also joined hands with the brand to endorse their sunblock cream. 2017年受到传统日料的启发,资生堂开发了一条新的护肤产品线Waso,名字直接取自日本「和食」(WASOKU)的概念,和食是指运用当季新鲜食材,并且降低了调味,可以让食材散发出最新鲜的原始风味。包装也很简单,是花哨包装中的一股清流。作为“入门级”产品线来吸引年轻的消费者。2017年,资深堂的两为中国形象大使是,黄轩和唐嫣,在该品牌推出防晒霜时高云翔也有参与。 8. Cle De Peau Inspired by “Chinoiserie,” Cle De Peaulauched “Clé de PeauBeauté Rouge Allegro n” lipsticks (480 RMB) in 14 rich and creamy shades. The packaging of the lipstick employs the classic CDP mazarine and gold angular design. Wang Luodan (王珞丹) and Wang Lihong (王力宏) joined the 2017 campaign for the high end Japanese brand. 受到“中国风”的影响,CPB推出了Clé de PeauBeauté Rouge Allegro n的口红,售价480人民币,共有14款,绵滑奶油质地。包装沿用之前CBP经典的蓝色包装和金色棱角瓶盖。王珞丹和王力宏参与了2017年的这个日本高端品牌的宣传。 9. Sulwhasoo雪花秀 Skin “brightening” is a constant pursuit for Korean cosmetic products. Snowise EX Whitening Serum (1,340 RMB/50ml) is the highest priced item in Sulwhasoo's new collection. The packaging uses an iridescent pearl-like texture on the bottom in combination with a white silver top. A sense of the pure and natural is conveyed. The ingredients of this line are marketed as natural and rare traditional herbal medicines. Instead of the conventional choice of an actress as brand ambassador, Sulwhasoo has worked with successful females from all spheres: writer Zhang Xiaoxian (张小娴), Olympic medalist Wu Minxia (吴敏霞), and singer An Yixuan (安以轩), among others. 雪花秀是致力于皮肤亮白的韩国品牌。滋晶雪肤美白精华露是售价最贵的雪花秀新品,1340元50毫升。该产品容器瓶身是类似珍珠材质,散发珍珠光泽,配有银白色的瓶盖,传递出一种自然纯净之感。产品配方是纯天然和稀有草本植物。与其他女演员当道品牌大使不同,雪花秀跨界选取了:作家张小娴,奥运奖牌获得者吴敏霞,歌手安以轩等。 10. HERA赫拉 Signia ampoule (1,800 RMB/50ml), the anti-aging cream with narcissus essence, is even pricier than Sulwhasoo's new essence. While both brands tout the benefits of plant extracts, Signia ampoule attempts to communicate a more high tech product, which is packaged in a tall, long bottle in dark gold with two different textures. Model He Sui (何穗) and actress Wang Ou (王鸥) worked with HERA to endorse the product. 安瓶(Ampoule)售价1800元50毫升的抗衰来面霜,含有水仙花精华,比雪花秀的精华还要贵,两者都是萃取植物精华,安瓶采用高科技手段,产品容器是长颈黑金色高瓶,内有两种材质。模特何穗和女演员王鸥是该产品的宣传明星。 |