流感肆虐 中国神药川贝枇杷膏在美国火了
这个冬天,全球各国不同程度受到冷空气影响,许多人都中了流感。美国更是经历了近10年来最严重的季节性流感疫潮,全美50个州里有49个州出现流感疫情,死亡人数接近5万6千人…… 深陷于被流感支配的恐惧中不可自拔,为了保命,美国人民开始疯狂吃药预防,很多州药房内的抗病毒药物如Tamiflu(达菲)都卖到脱销。 然而,一款中国神药在美国卖火了,为人们打开了新世界的大门。你没有看错,这个神丹妙药,就是我们非常熟悉的——“川贝枇杷膏”。 事情还要从一场感冒说起: 纽约普瑞特艺术学院的一位建筑师兼设计教授亚历克斯-施伟德尔冬天患上了感冒。 “I’d been super sick for a week and half and couldn’t stop coughing,” said Alex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute. That’s when his girlfriend gave him a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, an “herbal dietary supplement with honey and loquat,” according to the label. Mr. Schweder’s girlfriend, Oberon Sinclair, owner of a creative agency, first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was living in Hong Kong. “This started working in 15 minutes,” said Mr. Schweder. “I’ve probably gotten about five people to try it, but I’ve told many more.” 然后一传十、十传百,很快纽约、加州这些感冒重症区就传遍了,枇杷膏就此被推上热门话题。 这种药一般简称为“枇杷膏”,在中国市场和线上线下的药店每瓶10盎司(约300ml),售价在7美元(约合44元人民币),而代购价格则高达每瓶70美元(约合440元人民币)。 Herbal remedies with loquat have been produced in China for hundreds of years. The Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory began producing Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa in Hong Kong in 1946. The company began marketing it to Chinese mainland, North America, and Europe in the 1980s. Competing loquat syrup remedies are still produced in Hong Kong, but they remain less popular. “All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,” said Ching Weh Chen, owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold for $7.80. “Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time. It goes back to Qing dynasty, but now it’s Caucasian customers coming in and asking for it.” 这款产品还被美剧演员疯狂打Call。 “I got a bottle of it in the height of my flu which seemed to hang about this year for two months deep in my chest and not let go,” said Matthew Modine, the actor currently starring in Netflix’s “Stranger Things.” Mr. Modine bought the product on Amazon and paid about $30. 试完就停不下来,他立马成了枇杷膏的忠实粉丝: “我超爱它的!感冒已经2个月了,在最严重时服用它,情况立刻好转。唯一的缺点就是太贵了啊!” 但高价仍无法阻挡枇杷膏卖到脱销。 虽然卖这么贵,但用过的网友都说好。
“超级有效好用哦!枇杷膏里的蜂蜜会让你的喉咙好受很多,关键是这个药简直太美味了吧!吃出了时代感!” “对感冒的效果有限,但是对于喉咙痛和咳嗽来说简直太有效啦!嗯,虽然我现在每次感冒就会赶紧放两勺在热水里喝掉。”
川贝枇杷膏在美国拥有一大批狂热粉丝,大家已经不满足于拿它来当药喝了。有人要随身携带枇杷糖,还有人开发了枇杷膏酒。这款名叫Hulk Smash的鸡尾酒,就是金酒兑了川贝枇杷膏制作而成的。
美国医学界也担心美国人这样喝会有健康风险。 Sue Decottis, a physician in internal medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center who also has a private practice, says herbals can have some value and she will, on occasion, recommend them to her patients. She hasn’t prescribed Pei Pa Koa. Taking herbal supplements can involve health risks, including when they are used with medicines, consumed in excess or taken instead of prescription medication, said Dr. Keith Brenner, specialist in pulmonary medicine at Columbia University Medical Center at the New York Presbyterian Hospital. 出现流感症状,还是要及时就医。面对流感高发季节,国家卫计委近日发布了《流行性感冒诊疗方案( 2018 版)》,要求对老年人、儿童、孕妇、有基础性疾病的重点人群要及时治疗和使用抗病毒药物,发病48小时内进行抗病毒治疗可减少流感并发症。 New York State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker urged everyone to get a flu shot and said anyone with flu symptoms should see their health-care provider. |