The fashion house then owned up to the error on social media, and joked the packaging would now be a limited edition. ASOS并非第一个因为拼写错误闹笑话的,不少名人和知名企业也遭遇过这样的尴尬。 米特•罗姆尼的竞选口号 During the presidential election in 2012, Republican candidate Mitt Romney's mobile app, misspelled "America." The app invites users to photograph themselves with their choice of 14 pro-Romney slogans such as "I'm a Mom For Mitt," "Obama Isn't Working" and "The America We Love," and then share them on social media. But one of the slogans reads, "A Better Amercia." 尽管工作人员迅速修正了这个错误,但还是被不少人发现了。Amercia成为当日推特热搜话题。 一位推特用户写道: "If you're applying for a job, and you misspell the name of the company you want to work for, you won't get that job. #Amercia," The actress was spotted with "Times Up" on her arm to mark the Hollywood movement, but fans quickly spotted a missing apostrophe. 不少网友吐槽,学霸女神也犯这么低级的语法错误。 “艾玛•沃森纹了个“Time's Up”的文身但缺少个撇号,我还以为她不会犯这种错呢。” “就喜欢看艾玛•沃森极力用这个文身证明自己是女权主义,却丢了个撇号的样子。” 不过,艾玛本人随后在推特上回应了这件事,用一句玩笑化解了尴尬。 “Fake tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must.” 天价的键入错误 有时候,手滑一下不仅尴尬,还可能付出高昂的代价。 In 2005, a division of one of Japan's largest investment banks, Mizuho Securities Co, listed shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. But instead of selling them for 610,000 yen each, a typing error led to the sale of 610,000 shares costing one yen. The mistake cost the company £128m. “People”,“pepper”傻傻分不清楚 Penguin Australia printed in The Pasta Bible the word "people" instead of "pepper". The publisher had 7,000 copies of the book destroyed. |