1944年经典黑色悬疑片《煤气灯下》(Gaslight)改编自帕特里克·汉密尔顿1938年创作的剧本,首次将“煤气灯效应”(the Gaslight Effect)的概念引入人们的视线。 电影由查尔斯·博耶(Charles Boyer)和英格丽·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)主演,疑云密布,环环相扣,讲述了丈夫为了谋取妻子的财产,千方百计把妻子逼疯的故事。 《煤气灯下》(Gaslight)剧照 剧中,妻子看到了微弱的煤气灯光,丈夫却一直否认,说她看错了。妻子单纯地爱着丈夫,对其深信不疑,久而久之就确信自己真的哪里出了毛病。直到遇到了一位警察,警察说他也看到了微弱的煤气灯光。 美国心理学家Robin Stern受到电影的启发,结合20年的临床经验,写出了轰动一时的书——《煤气灯效应:远离情感暴力和操纵狂》。 US-based author of The Gaslight Effect, Dr Robin Stern, outlined the insidious nature of gaslighting, writing: 'It's a form of emotional abuse and manipulation that is difficult to recognise and even harder to break free from.' insidious adj. 阴险的 后来“煤气灯效应”就被广泛的用于指代这种情感虐待(emotional abuse)。 The term describes a type of emotional abuse, and unlike other forms, is difficult to recognise because it distorts a person's sense of reality. 看似是电影的虚构情节,然而现实生活中很多人都深受其害,其中大多数是女性。 许多人遭到家庭暴力却一次又一次地原谅对方,不去捍卫自己的权利,正是这种效应在作怪。 身处在一段“煤气灯效应”作怪的关系中,会给人带来非常大的负面影响。 来看《每日邮报》的报道: At its mildest, gaslighting leaves women uneasy, wondering why they always seem to end up in the wrong. At it's worst, gaslighting leads to major depression, with formerly strong, vibrant women reduced to abject misery and self-hatred. 一段好的恋情可以让人拥有好心情,彼此成就,一起携手前行。而一段坏的恋情,却会让人悲观、消极甚至抑郁,好好的小可爱就变成“不可爱”了。 下面,双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)再给你介绍几种有毒的情感状态,大家千万要小心了! ① Ghosting
② Slow Fade This is where someone gradually backs away from a potential relationship, but doesn't cut all ties immediately. ③ Breadcrumbing This is when someone leaves a trail of small but flirtatious messages for a potential date, with no intention of meeting. Taking its name from the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel, breadcrumbing involves leading someone on with a trail of flirtatious messages but never following through. ④ Benching Before couples have 'the talk' and define their relationship - also known by the acronym 'DTR' - either party is at risk of being 'benched'. This happens when one person is unsure of their future with their current partner and so puts them on the 'bench' - as with sports team reserves - and looks at other options. If nothing better comes along, they might come back into play. ⑤ Zombie-ing This is when someone has already ghosted his or her way out of a relationship - but then tries to come back. Social media has also opened up a new playing field for zombies, who can now 'like', 'comment' or 'follow' their way back onto their target's radar. ➅ Layby 'Layby' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out. Instead of risking a period of singleness when it eventually ends, a layby starts laying the groundwork with other women or men who they might want to date next. Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up - not to mention the fact that they are not technically single. ➆ Catch and release On the other end of the spectrum is the dater who practises the 'catch and release'. This is a move favoured by those who enjoys the 'chase' part of a relationship, the first flirtations before any commitments are made. 看完了上面介绍的几种有毒的情感关系,你想想自己有没有被套路过? 祝所有的小伙伴都能擦亮眼睛,不被套路,寻得真爱! |