Are these tennis balls yellow or green? It seems a simple question - the tennis balls are obviously yellow. But some people say they are obviously green. And then there are the people who say they are obviously both. An online Twitter poll that aimed to garner opinion on the hot potato found that, of 30,000 people voting, 52 percent agreed tennis balls are green, while 42 percent suggested they were yellow. A further six percent ticked 'other.' So what colour are tennis balls? Fortunately, the ATP world number one has provided us with an answer. 一位求知欲旺盛的球迷在一次日常签名见面会上,端着相机问了费德勒这个问题:
"They're yellow, right?" says the Swiss.
有网友说,网球肯定是黄色的,因为草场是绿色,如果网球是绿色的话,我们在温网的转播画面上就看不到球。 Despite one person's protests that if "the grass at Wimbledon is green, the balls cannot also be green", others remained unconvinced.
The official verdict from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) says 'the ball shall have a uniform outer surface consisting of a fabric cover and shall be white or yellow in colour.' However, as many have pointed out, the shade commonly used appears to be 'chartreuse', a colour between yellow and green. 这个问题也引起了专业科技公司的兴趣,研究量子点电视的nanosys公司就用专业仪器测量了一颗网球的光谱,结果显示: 不是黄,也不是绿,而是黄绿。
网球曾经是白色的。 在19世纪末,网球从法国起源后,在英国贵族间成为流行运动。 而英国盛产羊毛,所以网球的颜色,就是它主要材料的颜色——羊毛白。 那时网球只是贵族间娱乐消遣的运动,鲜少涉及到竞技体育的层面。
经研究,这种颜色在电视屏幕上会呈现出荧光,最容易被观众识别出来。 So why do some people see different colours? The answer may lie in a previous optical illusion that made waves online about a dress. Was it white and gold? Or was it blue and black?
At the time Professor Stephen Westland, chair of colour science and technology at the University of Leeds, said the way people see colours varies hugely. "We don't always see colour in the same way," he said. "The surprising thing is that this doesn't happen more often. "It is possible that people could literally be seeing different colours but it's impossible to know what is in someone's head." |