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避免泄露机密 美国国防部发布限用手机新规


The US Department of Defense has introduced a new policy setting more restrictions for cellphones as well as some electronic devices in Pentagon areas designated for processing, handling or discussing classified information, according to a Pentagon memo.

The memo, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, appears to make clear the current practice that requires phones be left in "daily-use storage containers that are located outside the secure space" where sensitive materials are handled or discussed.

避免泄露机密 美国国防部发布限用手机新规

But it notes that cellphones can still be used in common areas and other Pentagon offices if classified information is not present.

The new rules, which take effect immediately and must be fully implemented within six months, apply to the Defense Department's personnel, contractors and visitors and cover "laptops, tablets, cellular phones, smart watches, and other devices that are portable".

The memo notes several exceptions, including the use of government-issued cellphones by senior officials in secure spaces if the camera, microphone and wireless capabilities are turned off.

Pentagon launched a review on the use of cellphones in January after GPS reporting company Strava published a global heat map based on user exercise routes.

The map showed running routes of soldiers on remote and classified U.S. military bases.
