其实,不光是在国内,欧美国家对于整容的接受度也越来越高。 根据去年美国整形外科学会公布的数据来看,2016年美国人在整形美容方面的费用达到了新高——160亿美元。 A new record has been set! The American Society of Plastic Surgeons released its 2016 statistics, revealing that consumers spent over $16 billion on cosmetic procedures (surgical and non-surgical) —the highest amount we’ve ever seen. 这也和平时欧美人更喜欢丰满型身材的审美分不开。 而就从很多国外的对于整容的态度来看,不少国外明星都是持赞同意见。 他们认为脸是属于自己的,自己有权做任何决定。 比如《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)中饰演歌洛莉的Sofia Vergara ,就表示—— Why not? I mean, not yet, but maybe [I'll do] my under-eye bags in my 50s.
I think plastic surgery should be viewed almost like makeup, because we're all putting on a f**king mask basically every day anyway, when you dye your hair, you're changing who you are, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. [/en 我认为,如果他们想要整容、填充、极光,那就去做。反正是你自己的选择。 国外知乎——Quora上就有很多类似的分享: 为什么一些人会选择整容 不少老外表示,通过整容,不仅可以提升一个人的外貌、自身形象,更重要的是提升自己的自信心。 Plastic surgery improves the patients’ appearance, self -image and confidence. But some people go for plastic surgery for illness, birth defects, deformities caused by an accident etc. Our society likes beauty. It is easier to succeed when you have it. Plastic surgery not only increases your looks, it increases your confidence, which is essential to be successful. When I was single I dated a woman who was Miss Teenage America. She told me a story. When she applied for a job as a drug representative, she sent two different applications. One she mentioned she was Miss TA, the other she left that fact off. Everyone of the applications where she included the MTA, she got offered the job. She did not receive any answer from any of the other applications without it. |