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Jumping right to the big topics

Although it's important to talk about money, jumping straight to the million-dollar question (which differs depending on the couple) is a huge hurdle to leap right away. Instead, Bressington recommends keeping the conversation light and short for the first couple of weeks. Focus on what the upcoming expenses are for the next week, and how well you both stuck to the previous week's plan. Once you get comfortable with that, start discussing more long-term goals, or why you each have the spending habits you do. 'Then you can start to build a solid money future,' Bressington says. And rest assured, money is one of those normal fights that even happy couples have.

Sharing every penny

Most financial advisors give joint bank accounts a big thumbs up. After all, 'it fosters openness and teamwork' when couples share responsibility for the household income, says Matt Bell, blogger and author of Money & Marriage: A Complete Guide For Engaged and Newly Married Couples. But sharing every penny can also lead to secrets, distrust, and blame between partners, especially if they have different spending habits and personalities.
很多财务顾问都觉得联合银行账户是个好主意。毕竟,当情侣共同分担家庭收入的责任时,'它能促进公开和团队精神',博主、《金钱与婚姻:为订婚和新婚夫妇定制的完整指南》(Money & Marriage: A Complete Guide For Engaged and Newly Married Couples)一书的作者马特·贝尔说道。但分享每一分钱会导致情侣之间存在秘密、不信任和相互责怪,尤其是当他们有着不同消费习惯和个性的时候更是如此。

To avoid those fights, Bressington recommends setting aside a certain amount of money for each partner to spend on whatever they want-no questions asked. This gives the couple some freedom to spend on themselves, sans guilt (and fights!). Here are even more surprising secrets of the most happily married couples.

Letting one person handle the budget

Whether you have a one-income household or both are wage-earners, having just one partner manage the household budget is a big no-no. Not only can it leave one-half of the relationship in the dark when it comes to expenses, but it can also lead to misunderstanding and distrust between the couple. 'Many fights are based on at least one party simply not knowing or not understanding-sometimes it's both parties,' Bressington says. 'Establish a base level of understanding, and the fights subside.' Still, 'it can be helpful to divvy up the financial responsibilities,' Bell says.
