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1. You Still Go Out For Date Nights
1. 你们还会在晚上出门约会

If you're one of the few couples that still considers date night sacred after years of being together, then you're already on the path to success. A recent study conducted in the UK found that couples who hit the town once a month were more likely to stay together than those who favored staying in. Looking for somewhere new to take your S.O.? Try these Best Date Ideas If You're Over 40.

2. You Look At Pictures of Puppies Together
2. 你们会一起看狗狗的照片

Do you and your partner sit in bed scrolling through adorable puppy pics together? Aside from this making you squeal with delight, it might also be helping your marriage. One study published in Psychological Science found that when subjects were shown pictures of puppies immediately after pictures of their spouses, they had more positive responses to their partners afterward and improvements in marital relations.
你有没有和另一半坐在床上翻看可爱的狗狗照片?这不仅能让你高兴的尖叫,可能还会让你们的婚姻更幸福。《心理科学》(Psychological Science)期刊上发表的一项研究发现:当受试者看完另一半的照片后再看狗狗的照片时,他们对另一半的回应更为积极、婚姻关系也有所改善。

"One ultimate source of our feelings about our relationships can be reduced to how we associate our partners with positive affect," says lead researcher James K. McNulty. "Those associations can come from our partners, but also from unrelated things like puppies and bunnies." If you want to take it one step further and get a furry friend of your own, discover these 15 Amazing Benefits of Adopting a Pet.
首席研究员James K. McNulty说道:"我们对恋情的最终感受可能归结于我们是如何将另一半与积极情感联系在一起的。""这些联系可能来自于另一半,但也有可能来自像狗狗、兔子这样的无关物。"如果你想更进一步,养一只属于你们的毛茸茸的狗狗,那就看看养宠物的15个惊人好处吧!

3. You're Friends With Other Couples
3. 你们有其他已婚朋友

It's human nature to want to spend time with people similar to yourself, so it makes sense that couples tend to befriend other couples. But what most couples probably don't realize is that these friendships are actually helping their marriage.

In the book Two Plus Two: Couples and Their Couple Friendships, co-authors Geoffrey Greifand Kathleen Holtz Deal, PhD, discovered that couples' friendships benefit a marriage by providing comfort, support, and excitement. "We can talk about anything we want to," one couple said in the book. "We have shared sad times and good times."
在《二加二:已婚夫妇和他们的已婚友谊》(Two Plus Two: Couples and Their Couple Friendships)一书中,合著作者杰弗里·格雷夫和凯思琳·霍尔茨·迪尔博士发现,夫妻之间的友谊会让双方感到慰藉、支持和激动,有益于婚姻美满。"我们可以尽情的谈论一切,"一对夫妻在书中说道。"我们同甘共苦。"

4. You Say "Thank You"
4. 你会说"谢谢"

You might think that your partner intuitively knows how grateful you are for everything they do, but it definitely doesn't hurt to let them know.
