北京双胞胎姐妹不幸溺亡 如何及时发现溺水?又该如何预防和施救?
8月5日下午,北京一对8岁的双胞胎姐妹在山东青岛黄岛区沙滩玩耍时失踪,事发后救援组织、当地市民及网友纷纷加入寻人队伍,最终,搜救人员先后找到两人遗体,均为溺水身亡。 救援现场。 赵玉勋 摄 Police in Qingdao, Shandong province, confirmed on Monday that 8-year-old twin girls who traveled from Beijing had been found drowned. 山东青岛警方周一证实,来自北京的一对8岁双胞胎姐妹已被发现溺亡。 The twins had come to the coastal city with their mother for a holiday. 两个孩子和母亲一起来青岛旅游度假。 The mother said she lost sight of the girls on a beach in the city's Huangdao district around 3 pm on Sunday as they were having fun digging in the sand just meters away from her. They were wearing swimming suits and had bare feet. 孩子母亲说,周日下午3点左右,她们在黄岛区的沙滩上游玩。孩子们在离自己几米远的地方挖沙子,一会儿功夫她却发现孩子们不见了。她们身穿游泳衣,光着脚丫。 The mother said she would check her mobile phone from time to time as the girls were playing, but she looked up at some point and found that the girls were missing. After almost an hour of searching, she called the police. 这位母亲说,孩子们玩儿的时候,她时不时看看手机。但突然她抬头一看,发现孩子们不见了。她找了将近一个小时都没找到,于是报了警。 The twins' deaths drew wide concern on social media, with many comments warning of possible dangers. Some social media users, who seemed familiar with tidal currents in Qingdao, said the sea often ebbs at the time the twins vanished, and people can be carried off easily by the current. 双胞胎女孩溺亡的消息在社交媒体引起广泛关注。很多人提醒大家有可能出现的危险。一些熟悉青岛海边潮汐流的网友说,两人消失的时刻海水通常在退潮,海浪很容易把人卷走。 夏季是溺水事故的高发季节,在此我们准备了一些溺水预防及救护常识,希望大家提高安全意识,避免悲剧重演。 溺水的危险因素 婴儿和儿童溺水的危险因素: Lack of supervision in the bathtub or other body of water 在浴缸或者其他水体时缺乏照看。 A swimming pool is a risk factor in itself. Children, who have drowned, usually have been out of sight for less than 5 minutes. 游泳池本身就是个危险因素。溺水的儿童通常脱离大人的视线还不到5分钟。 Lack of life jackets (personal floatation devices) on boats. Pool toys are not a substitute for a "real" life jacket. 船上救生衣(救生圈)不够用。泳池玩具不能替代真正的救生衣。 Child abuse or neglect 虐待儿童或疏忽。 青少年和成年人的溺水危险因素: Alcohol consumption. Alcohol use is a factor in half of all teenage and adult drowning deaths. 饮酒。在所有的青少年和成年人溺亡案例中,有一半是因为饮酒导致。 Inability to swim 不会游泳。 Medical emergency in the water. This includes victims who experience a heart attack, stroke or seizure in the water. It also includes open water drowning victims who sustain an animal bite or sting. 水中医疗紧急事故,包括突发心脏病、中风或惊厥,以及在开放水域被动物咬伤或叮伤的溺水者。 Fatigue or exhaustion when swimming. 游泳时疲劳甚至精疲力尽。 Not appreciating the environment. This includes diving into shallow water and sustaining a head or neck injury, or falling into the water when walking on thin ice. 不顾周围环境。包括在浅水区跳水导致头颈部受伤,或者在薄冰上行走时掉进冰窟。 Boating accidents 船只事故。 Lack of life jackets (personal floatation devices or PFDs) 缺少救生衣(救生圈)。 Scuba diving accidents 水肺潜水事故。 Suicide attempts 企图自杀。 如何分辨某人是否溺水? Drowning is a silent killer. Victims may not be able to call for help because they are expending all of their energy trying to breathe or keep their head above water. When water is inhaled, the upper airway or larynx (voice box) may go into a spasm, making it difficult to cry for help. 溺水是一个无声杀手。溺水者可能无法呼救,因为他们正在拼尽全力呼吸或者把头伸出水面。他们呛水时,上呼吸道或者喉部(喉头)可能会痉挛,很难呼救。 Victims of drowning usually do not thrash in the water as often depicted on television or in the movies. Most victims are found floating or submerged in the water. 溺水者一般不会像电视或电影中描述的那样在水中猛烈拍打。大多数遇难者只是漂浮或者半淹在水中。 The drowning victim often is bobbing with their head tilted back just at the waterline and the mouth wide open. The respiratory effort may be rapid but is often shallow. The eyes tend to be wide open and may hold a sense of panic. If there is a swimming effort, it is weak and uncoordinated. 溺水者常常头部后倾在水面上,上下扑腾,同时嘴巴张大。他们的呼吸急促,但非常浅,眼睛睁大,有恐慌感。游泳的动作无力且不协调。 溺水后如何救护? The treatment for a possible drowning is a first aid emergency. Often, once the victim has been removed from the water, CPR may be necessary and emergency medical services should be activated. 如果遇到有人溺水,首先要开展急救。在通常情况下,溺水者被救上岸边后,应进行心肺复苏,并拨打急救电话。 溺水的预防 Learning how to swim should be a priority for all children and for people of all ages. 不管是孩子还是大人,首先要学会游泳。 When participating in water sports, the use of a personal floatation device (life jacket) is mandatory. Pool toys are not a substitute. 在参加水上运动时,必须要穿上救生衣。泳池玩具不可替代救生衣。 Alcohol is a major contributor to drowning accidents. Water and alcohol don't mix. 饮酒是溺水的一个很大的危险因素。游泳就不要饮酒。 Never leave an infant unattended in a bathtub or near water. 不要把婴儿留在浴盆或者水边疏于照看。 Never leave a child unattended near water, whether that is a swimming pool or natural water. 不要把孩子留在水边疏于照看,不管是游泳池还是天然水源。 Know about the dangerous undercurrents and waves that occur in fresh or sea water 了解淡水和海水中危险的暗流和海浪。 Avoid dangerous marine animals such as jellyfish and fire coral 避免碰到危险的海洋生物,比如水母和火珊瑚。 Know the depth of ice before walking on it 在冰面上走时要知道冰层的厚度。 Never swim alone. 永远不要独自游泳。 Learn CPR 学习心肺复苏。 |