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(cnn)Colorado Mesa University is issuing two diplomas for the price of one. The catch? The first one was signed by the chair of CMU's "Coard of Trustees."

The embarrassing typo lingered in the bottom left corner of nearly 9,200 diplomas for six years -- until outgoing school newspaper editor Alec Williams caught it this month.

Williams was looking at a photo of a past graduate's diploma online. At first, he said, he wasn't sure if what he saw was actually a mistake or just part of the classic Old English font used on diplomas.

"If they're going to do anything right, they need to make sure -- at the very least -- the non-name related words are spelled correctly," Williams told cnn.
“如果学校想把这件事情处理好,他们至少应该确认毕业证书上非姓名的单词拼写他是正确的,” 威廉斯这样告诉cnn的记者。

The university has already created a website to fulfill diploma requests with the goal of having each diploma reprinted and mailed out within two days. Each reissued diploma will cost the university about $5.

"A diploma symbolizes tremendous hard work and investment made by students in their education," the school told cnn in a statement.“
一份毕业证书象征着背后学生们为自己的教育付出的巨大努力,” 学校在一份声明书中这样告诉cnn。

So, let this be a lesson for college graduates everywhere: Make sure to triple-check your diplomas, Blass of 2018.
