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Women routinely outlive men for a variety of reasons, biological, social and lifestyle factors included. There may be one much more obvious factor however that often gets overlooked: men simply take more stupid risks.

This list, compiled by Bored Panda, is a vivid illustration of that. It is a collection of questionable intelligence, macho bravado and callous disregard for personal safety. And it is tragically funny! Scroll down below to check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

1 This Pressure Washer Guy
2 So My Buddy Fell Off The Roof The Other Day
You can see the handprints where he tried to stop his fall

3 Hey, You Push This Couch Out The Window, I'll Stand On My Car And Grab It
What could go wrong? (Besides the car flipping, or the rear spoiler breaking, or the guy slipping, or the sofa falling, or the window breaking, or...)

4 Safety First安全第一

To be fair, he is wearing a hard hat like the sign says.公正的说,他还带着安全帽呢,做到了告示牌上说的话

5 Glassblower Playing Jump Rope With Molten Hot Glass这个吹玻璃工用高温玻璃液玩跳绳

he used to have more hairand carpeting on the floor...这样玩之前,他的头发还很多,地板上也没这么秃……

6 On Vacation In Egypt. Called A Plumber To Fix The Toilet. He Calmly Climbs Out Of The Window In His Flip Flops在埃及旅游的时候,请一个管道工来帮我修马桶。他很淡定的从窗户爬了出去,还穿着人字拖

I'm concerned he's done this loads of times before because it says he was calm!我担心的是,既然人家都说了很“淡定”,他之前应该这样做过很多次了


7 Safety First, Sure安全第一,没错没错

with that much hair who needs a hard hat有这么多头发,谁还需要安全帽呀

8 Visual Representation Of Why Women Live Longer Than Men为什么女人比男人寿命长?这就是活生生的例子!

This is romantic! He gave her the life jacket. I hope she's got a better grip than Kate Winslet in Titanic though...好浪漫!他把救生衣让给了她!不过,希望她别像《泰坦尼克号》里的罗斯那样最终还是松了手

8 Visual Representation Of Why Women Live Longer Than Men为什么女人比男人寿命长?这就是活生生的例子!


9 5 Minutes Break5分钟休息

The real "break" comes after fall from this Air Conditioner如果从这个空调上掉下去,他就真的可以“休息”了。

10 Painting The Sidewalk Mexican Style墨西哥式的道路粉刷工

If it is stupid but it is work, it is not stupid这个办法很笨,但是很有效,所以这不是个笨办法!

11.New Member On A Robotics Team机器人技术小队的新成员

He'll probably need a robot knee after this干完这个活他大概会需要一个机械膝盖

12 Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Keep Them Bobcats Rollin'摇摆摇摆,摇摆摇摆,让这只大山猫摇摆

  That's just plain awesome! I think Freestyle Frontloading has just been born!简直太酷了!自由式的卡车前载重技术就此诞生了!

13 So That's How They Do It...他们是这样干活的……

They'd earn so much more money working for the Circus than trashing public property.与其破坏公务,他们还不如去马戏团表演,肯定会大赚一笔。

14What Could Go Wrong能出什么乱子?
评论:He started the journey with three kids on the trampoline...刚出发的时候他的蹦床上有三个孩子

15 Welding Protection电焊面罩
评论:No one knows what it's like to be the sad man...


 16It Ain't Gonna Drive Itself Home难道让它自己开车送自己回家吗?
评论:hey ma! I'm on TV!快看,我在电视上面!
