9月11日,美国主流媒体彭博社(Bloomberg)刊登了全国人民代表大会外事委员会副主任委员、中国社科院全球战略智库首席专家傅莹的署名文章,引起了国外各界的广泛关注。 文章题为《中国如何应对变化中的美国?》(How Should China Respond to a Changing U.S.?),摘编自傅莹2018年8月28-29日在亚洲协会等机构的演讲《中美今天的选择决定未来两国关系》。 傅莹在文中对当下中美关系、美国对华态度发表了精辟的见解,我们一起来看看。 1美国对中国的态度发生变化 傅莹在文章中谈到,她在最近访美期间,发现美国人对华态度变了。 美国学者普遍认为: The U.S. was frustrated at not having shaped China in its own image, despite bringing the country into the World Trade Organization and helping to enable its economic takeoff. Instead, China had “ripped off” the U.S. by taking advantage of it in trade and business. There was concern at how fast China was climbing up the global economic and technological ladder, and that its military was threatening to “elbow out” the U.S. from Asia. 2美国的指责是否公允 傅莹认为,首先中国应该思考一个问题:美国的指责是否公允(the Chinese people first have to ask whether U.S. criticisms are fair)? 傅莹说,美国在中国未能实现自己的政治目标,但显然这不是美国唯一的“失败”,更不是最惨痛的。 In fact, given what’s happened to some countries since the “color revolutions” and the “Arab Spring,” the U.S. should be thankful that its efforts haven’t thrown China into political turmoil and economic chaos. The fact that China has maintained social and political stability and followed its own economic path has contributed to global economic growth, especially after the 2008 financial crisis. 伊拉克和阿富汗的重建让美国耗费了大量财政资源,而中国的发展极大地惠及了美国的繁荣。 3中国在全球化过程中的角色 的确,中国的经济得到了快速发展。 Taking advantage of the globalization promoted by the U.S. and Europe, hardworking Chinese gained access to global capital, technologies, expertise and markets, all of which facilitated the growth of industry. Hundreds of millions of Chinese came out of poverty, and living standards in the country have risen substantially. 但必须记住两点: ❶ First, Chinese workers paid a steep cost for these developments, just as American workers did. After entering the World Trade Organization, Chinese enterprises were suddenly thrown into direct competition with global peers. Many of them didn’t survive, leading to huge layoffs all over the country. ❷ Second, China’s gains have benefited the U.S. as well. According to Oxford Economics, U.S.-China trade helps each American family save $850 every year. Between 2001 and 2016, U.S. commodities exports to China expanded five times, much higher than the 90 percent average increase. The advent of the “internet of things” and rapid growth in the number of China’s middle- and upper-class consumers will offer even more opportunities for U.S. companies. 所以说,中国已成为世界经济不可分割的组成部分。 China is not only an integral part of the global economy, but also an indispensable source of growth. Any attempt to “decouple” it from the U.S. or the global economy will hurt all countries, including the U.S. 4 中国应如何回应? 傅莹认为,面对美国的强硬但混乱的声音,我们需要保持淡定,重要的是聚焦自身发展,解决好自己的问题。 接下来,傅莹解释了中国为什么没有对美采取更加对抗的态度。 China is not adopting a more confrontational stance toward the U.S. Its current attitude is part of its overall foreign policy, which is aimed at ensuring a sound environment that facilitates effective cooperation with the outside world to serve China’s development goals. For its purposes, there’s every reason for China to maintain an attitude of “constructive cooperation” with the U.S. 5 中国如何应对中美贸易摩擦 傅莹坦言,中美关系的变局对中国也是又一次倒逼改革的机会。 美方工商界提出来的市场准入等问题,许多正是中方需要通过改革着力解决的。 The government is, in fact, opening up: Eight out of the 11 market-opening measures announced by President Xi Jinping in April have been put in place, covering banking, securities, insurance, credit rating, credit investigation and payment, and so on. The government is also working harder to improve the business environment and strengthen intellectual property protections for both Chinese and foreign enterprises. Chinese reformers can turn outside pressure to their advantage, using it to bust through internal resistance to necessary changes. 6中方绝不会屈服于关税霸凌 傅莹说,但有一点必须清楚:中方绝不会屈服于关税霸凌(make no mistake: The Chinese people will stand firm against U.S. bullying over trade)。 There is talk about China’s economy “sliding down” as a result of the trade war. Some expect China to succumb soon. I can tell you that this is wishful thinking. 傅莹提到,中国经济正在去杠杆期间,本身就存在较多痛点,处于咬紧牙关砥砺前行的阶段,这也是为了维持未来的健康发展不得不做的。 It’s worth remembering that China adopted a stimulus program to help overcome the global recession triggered by the 2008 financial tsunami in the U.S. And it’s worth noting that the trade war may slow the necessary process of deleveraging. 7抱怨和伤害对方解决不了问题 傅莹在文章结尾处表示,抱怨和伤害对方解决不了问题,只会让情况更糟(finger-pointing and hurting each other won’t solve any problems)。 因此,中国应继续与美方沟通。 Many in China believe that the root causes of U.S. troubles lie within — and therefore need to be solved by Americans themselves. We can see that the U.S. system requires a major overhaul to overcome deep sociopolitical divisions and economic disparities. But that doesn’t relieve China of the responsibility to engage in dialogue, to find out where the two sides can and can’t agree, and to seek solutions or at least ways to manage persistent disputes. 最后,傅莹引用了一个谚语,说明中国仍然会坚持主张,继续保持对话合作。 Such an approach won’t appeal to those who seek confrontation now. But, to borrow a saying, if some folks want to chase butterflies, why should the rest of us go dancing along with them? 看完傅莹的文章,你是不是对中国对待中美贸易摩擦的态度以及对中美关系未来走势有了更清晰的认识了呢? |