说谎的人(liar)我们的都知道是怎样一种人,但如果你问一个心理学家,他会告诉你这种人是有分类的,一种是普通说谎者(normal liar),另一种是病态说谎者(pathological liar) A pathological liar is an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies that may stretch or exceed the limits of believability. While most people lie or at least bend the truth occasionally, pathological liars do so habitually. 有时候撒谎甚至会是一件正面的事情,比如在你给情绪低落的朋友打气的时候,再比如你不想伤害别人感情的时候。 而相反,病态说谎者撒的谎没有任何社会价值(social value),有时候甚至还会很奇特(outlandish),这些谎话可能对说谎者本身都会造成灾难性的后果。
另外,这里还要区分一下“病态说谎者”和一个可能混用的概念,那就是“强迫性说谎者”。 Though often used interchangeably, the terms “pathological liar” and “compulsive liar” are different. Pathological and compulsive liars both make a habit of telling lies, but they have different motives for doing so. 实际上,强迫性说谎者对自己的这种说谎行为还会感到很无助。 而病态说谎者说谎是有确定的原因的,比如支撑自己的自负(ego)或自尊(self-esteem)、寻求同情、给自己的过错找理由,或者单纯是活在幻想里。 也有的人是单纯通过说谎来摆脱无聊,或者是单纯想制造事端。 In 1915, pioneering psychiatrist William Healy wrote “All pathological liars have a purpose, i.e., to decorate their own person, to tell something interesting, and an ego motive is always present. They all lie about something they wish to possess or be.” 他们自己甚至真的相信这些谎言,就像一句英文老话讲的: "If you tell a lie often enough, you start to believe it." 此外,他们不喜欢被别人质疑。如果有人质疑他们的谎言,病态说谎者通常会变得很抵触,甚至具有攻击性。 而当他们被质疑到走投无路时,往往会通过撒更多的谎来自救。 |